
Screen flickers

Had a brief chat with Thomm and SPU9 in the IRC chat about this problem yesterday for those of you who saw it.

What happens is that after around 5-10 minutes in ET my screen starts flickering. It loses colours and just looks incredibly buggy. In order to sort it I have to restart the computer as it remains after closing ET as well.
I have experienced it in HoN as well, so it doesn't seem to be ET only.

I have a AMD Radeon HD 6900 and according to Catalyst the temperature's around 40-45 C so I'm guessing that it doesn't have anything to do with overheating.

My screen is a Samsung LED, 60hz.

As I'm no tech-wiz I was wondering if there's anyone who has any further advice?

Thanks in advance,
maybe its not the screen maybe ur just imagining things , things happen

image: iLWJpz5W5PudS

try new monitor same machine
try diff machine + fliccering monitor
Check if the value on: cg_displayrefresh "value" matches the value in Catalyst Control Center (CCC.exe).

My best guess is: the value in your config is to high.

EDIT: or did you perhaps installed a new Video driver recently?
Thanks, I've got the value 75 in ET. Where can I find that value in CCC?
Open ccc.
Top right, click on 'preferences'.
Click on something that looks like: Advanced design. (my ccc isn't in english, so have to imagine what you would be seeing :DDD)
Ok, now go to 'Desktop Management' >desktop properties> and look for displayrefresh.
Take the highest Displayrefresh value, you can take!

Now go to your cfg in your etmain. And look for r_displayrefresh, and apply that value (from ccc) in your cfg.

Good luck

Edit: while you're in that CC Center, do this as well. It will improve your fps:
Thanks a lot mate! I couldn't use 75 hz as the resolution got messed up, but I've now both 60hz in-game and in CCC. Hopefully it'll work :D
It should work.
Unfortunately it continues... I've double-checked and double-checked again, doesn't seem to be anything hz related.

It just comes back anyway. Might be the screen itself I guess, I'll get myself another HDMI cable and have a go with the old screen as well.
Update your drivers?
I'm clueless.
Both those ideas should have worked.
If you play another game rather than ET. Does is still flicker?
If not:
1) Your vid card does something wrong with Opengl.
If yes:
2) It's hardware related. Or your cable is fucked up, or your screen is messed up.
Yeah, that's what I thought as well.

I'll keep on fiddling with this and if I have any breakthrough, I'll get back to you.
Thanks for all help so far tho.
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