Bullets not hitting proper.

Well title says enough.
Since 'recently' I have to play ET on a really old timer Desktop.
I'm using the same config as I was on my Laptop, but somehow I'm losing accuracy.

Funny thing is: It feels like some bullets aren't 'registering' on that desktop, while on my laptop I never had this before.
Not that my aim is that good, but I noticed that by drawing the the bullets-line ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jijGgCr3sU ), that there is really something fucked up. (for example: If I rapidly press on +attack (mouse1 in my case), you can see it doesn't have a 1:1 ratio. => 1 click=1shot)
First I thought it was my Polling rate, so I've tested that. And nothing seems to be wrong with that. I can get 500Hz.
Then a friend said he once had the same. He adjusted his com_hunkmegs and now his bullets were hitting things normally. So I've tried that as well. tried high (250, pretty useless since ET uses MAX 192), and low hunkmegs (125). Nevertheless nothing worked.

Anyone got an idea, that won't be something LIKE this: "buy a new pc"?
Do you have 64?
What about your sound- and zonemegs?
Doesn't the game look lagy?
no i dont just a tip..try different cfg and change mouse dpi maybe
dont worry i have played this games too many years and i still dont hit
So this is why I can't hit shit! Always knew it had nothing to do with my aim! :(
r_subdivisions ? If not 4 make it 4 and if that's not the "problem" your nick says it all
what a coder XD:D:XD you are also really god into hax
This makes absolutely no sense. That cvar just makes curves more like a curve.
But for reason that has fixed it.
I'm stunned...

Guess I have to thank you.
Yes yes yes, now gief blowjob!
mouse hz have nothing to do with ur mouse1 button, hz is for movment "scaning"
to increas accuracy do the following

Press the +attack button only when on target, if timed correctly, u will hit ur first bullet
No mouse movement, try to predict where ur enemy is going to be so ur mouse movement is minimilized wich will result in less spread and more accuracy
try focusing more on ur movement then ur aiming, since u will not hit ur enemy while getting hit, he has to miss for you to hit him back
also et bullet travel speed is not fast at all
thats some of the game mechanics, the rest is internet related, hitboxes being bugged more then a bug and some random fps drops

pls note that the drawings are not realtime and just if the bullettracer is not shown doesnt mean u havent fired the bullet, also try turning on hitboxes + tracers and shoot with the flamethrower :)
I'll say it like this:
If I test the REAL VISIBLE TRACERS (that last longer visible than just 1ms. They last as long as you want.) on my laptop. I have a 1:1 ratio. 1 click=1shot. Of course I'm clicking rapidly... (and since this way spread gets reset at every -attack, it has nothing to do with spread, prediction or aim)
Do I try that on my pre-historical desktop then some bullets aren't fired.
they are, just aint displayed graphically, if ur gun doesnt fire, then its obv ur mouse1 is broken
I guess this is the human explanation
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