
What is the status of etlive?:o any info/updates?
When will the alpha players will be announced?

been a while just curious
As you might already know, ETLive will use ET:Legacy for the game code base.
So, for those who actually don't know what ET:Legacy is, here's a description from the ETLegacy FAQ Page.

What is ET:Legacy?

ET:Legacy is based on the source code of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory which was released under the GPLv3 license.
The main goal of this project is to fix bugs, remove old dependencies and make it playable on all major operating
systems while still remaining compatible with the ET 2.60b version and as many of its mods as possible." (source: )

We would like to thank the ET:Legacy Team for their effort and the almost endless list of bug fixes.

But why ET:Legacy and not 2.60b?

We believe in ET:Legacy. They are professional developers and do a great job with fixing the bugs.
This makes it possible for us, to focus on the ETLive part, while having always a best maintained Enemey Territory Code.

If you would like to help us and are not one of the lucky alpha testers, consider joining the ETLegacy Team.
They always need developers and good testers.

So go ahead and take a look at ET:Legacy at

My name is Timothy ‘nomak’ Rogers. I am the most recent addition to the ET Live team and have been added as the lead Community Manager for the ET Live project. My main job responsibility is communicating the status of the project, in a clear and concise manner, to the community.

Community is the life blood of any game and maintaining a strong relationship with all of you is critical to our success. My goal is to keep you up-to-date and informed on what’s going on with the development process.

A little bit about my experience with Enemy Territory, I first played the game when the free Demo came out that only contained the Beach map. I was instantly hooked and played it for hours. I moved on to the full game once it released and began playing casually on pubs (Locked Box anyone?). We played every day and eventually created a clan. I ran a team through CAL (for those who still remember it) and TWL for what became years. I was their from the beginning and played the game competitively – so I have a broad spectrum of experience with the game.

My experience playing competitive ET is among my favorite gaming memories. Enemy Territory is the best competitive team game ever released. At this point though, I have played every high profile FPS/MMO/MOBA and can say that ET is by far still my favorite. I really want to bring it back to its former glory and will do my best to help make this project a success.

Throughout the course of this venture, I hope to inspire as many of you as possible with the passion and enthusiasm I have for the Enemy Territory game and this project in particular. I will be here to answer any questions you have about the project, and if I don’t know it, I’ll get you an answer. Please help support the ET Live project by becoming part of our community! Add us on Facebook, Twitter, and read our website!

Help support the ET revival!

it's funny that etlive announced a community manager on the 6th of March and yet the community doesn't really seem to be informed.
afaik it was first planed to be released around xmas 2012.
I thought alpha was supposed to be live by Christmas.
Did you really expect them to finish it? :D
like i said,ages ago never gonna happen
bio is alive
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