photos taken by me...

Here are some photos which I took in a "nature"..okay one is taken also on a Italian street in city Gorizia.. but normally I like taking photos in a nature...
I have to tell you before you start flaming, this photos are taken with Samsung galaxy SIII, so don't expect too much from them.. :)

image: cerje-2013-04-06-16 // image: kidriceva-2013-04-08-13 // image: trz-2013-04-07-16

The 2 photos with bridge and a river are made in my village Renče which is near Nova Gorica - which we also call Slovenian Las Vegas ;)
image: bridge-rnc-2013-04-12-19 // image: rnc3-2013-04-12-19
image: 895003_10200943892984067_458784348_o
image: 883231_10200943893104070_1098233699_o
image: 12499_10200950585151367_1710356960_n

I hope you will enjoy.. I have to repeat - I am not a professional I'm just a free time spender ;)

have fun, Blaz V. - #djuud
Requires slightly less brightness
any advice like yours will be good for me, thanks.
To sm čaku ja, da še tukej zaspammaš:)

Nabav si kkđno mal jačo mašino, pa treniri :)
overedited most of them + check those colours bro!
i will try to fix in a future... you've done any ? :)
not since i dont have camera for it..

editing -> there is a lot of tutorials for PhotoShop :)
ohh... i thought you have some xp.. not :O)
A few of them are some sickass foto's man!
The images themselves are nice, however for my liking you've overdone the color/tuning for some. Some look very red/orange/blue. It's okay to enhance pictures to make them more vibrant, just don't do it too much or it will look unrealistic(like some of your pictures now)
Lol doodson whats up? Looks too much like instagram filters all the time. I prefer more cinematic and natural feel with less saturation eg. my shit:
your stuff is fly as fuck man,bookmarked your tumblr ages ago already ;> really like what you are doing there...
Thanks appreciate it :)! More coming soonish: videos, and I travelled to spain last week some more photos.
Heiii dab.. i am cool as never before ;) atm enjoying good weather in mountains.. 70km by my city.. cross country bike with me and taking nice photos around the river :)
Yehh.. I know. Just begin shooting thos photos.. any advice is important for me :)
Come @ #jrplayers dude.. we can talk after a long time.. have a good weekend!
Yo sorry was in spain, back in london next week, only then i ll be on irc. cu then!
emmoo ! I like them tho:))) gl @ EC quali!
Thanks dude :)
overedited in my opinion sir, photo should rly show the truth of the landscape, once again that's my opinion.
the street one looks like gta 6, cool
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