Cry for help.


So as some of you might know, I'm in need of a movie maker again (Nukits lost). The reason im writing this journal, is because I'm soon leaving for the army, and when I return, there might be no one left playing this awesome game =( .
This is a cry for help for the movie makers out there, who still might have some interest in doing a hopefully great movie.
I'm only trying to get my movie done for myself primarily (would love to have some memories from the game for myself) and also for some of you who might be interested in seeing what frags have I done and so on. I might not be the most favorable person in the community, or even not one of the most skilled ones, and that's why Im asking you, the community and movie makers, to help me achieve my goal before going away.
Also, might have some sort of a gift or such for the people who can help me! =)

The way to contact me is via IRC /Q Sinnu or just send me a PM here on crossfire.

Have a great day and thanks a lot!
If there is any way that you could "cut" demos - like you would have 5secs and after it you would have the frag you want in the movie - I may be able to do it by some time, since i got my PC fucked up and dunno, when ill be able to buy new one...
Have those done, but only on the frags on Axis side. Cannot do them with allies somehow :(
Would actually try to do that, but wont search those frags(like watching demos) :/
Well, ive got everything sorted + the axis frags cut
where did you get stuck @ moviemaking? :d

- get image-et
- get virtualdub (ask how to use it, quite simple)
- get sony vegas, all versions are usable but +10 is fine
- get megui

after you have all of these just begin testing stuff
Remember that I tried? :D Had the first clip in slow-motion somehow + it was 600mb big... And that took me 2hrs or sth :D Im really really bad at it :( + ain't got all the time in the world to test how to make a movie, that's why asking for guys who have experience @ movie making =)
that's just basic mistakes. :D after choosing correct codecs etcetc blabla it all goes normally (10mins work with the help of someone like ag0n).
asked him when i did it last time :P still messed it up :(
gona miss u m8 :/
=( can still meet in the EC! =)
hopefully :) but this time i wont lose to u ;P
We'll see! =)
Kidding or not? =)
dunno ask him, but he's a decent movie maker
/q dTEC7
I would say /q IceQ but he's lazy!
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