I think i'm dying of boredom !!!

Hey crossfire haters & lovers!
Everything's in the title. For the first time of the year, I have literally nothing to do and I think I'm slowly dying :S That's why I'm here writing a journal because I know CF is always full of nerd-certified computerists ready to entertain me. In this journal, I answer you about anything related to :
  • Wolfenstein : Enemy Territory
  • Women
  • Coitus (preferably with women not into homosex stuffs)
  • Serious computer businesses
  • What I eat for dinner
  • MarseilleOlympique de Marseille
  • <Random CF user>
  • Facial hairs
  • Eventually more...

image: tumblr_ml0hisIJRh1qzy9ouo1_500

ps : if anyone wants to play ET with me i may download last version of tzac but don't expect me to be high+ like back in the days I can only assure high- skill level.
ps2 : Birds are singing while Im writing
ps3 : No I wont do jokes about playstation 3 because I dont have nerd-certificate like some guys here good mood :§D!
playstation4 : I wont wait in front of the store to buy one

MarseilleLeFrancis - A man dying of boredom
I think you should die.
only if u die too, since ima cool guy i let u start :x:d:x:D/d::x:D
so, youre watching 2k8 matches on your pc, while having sex with a (wo)men, talking about serious pc buisness and dinner, WHILE a marseille match is on the TV with Loekino playing on the pitch with crazy facial hair.
tomorrow we could play some LoL nerdfriend
can do dat bro
Just go out mayb
2lazy2leave computer + nothing to do here on monday evening
Would call this irony, but I can't be bothered defining it for you.
like u know women rofl
hey fuckin faggot wassup? kinda missed ur trash talk
cf 4.0 ruined it for me. I also miss ur pointless journals :/
"Coitus (preferably with women not into homosex stuffs)"
Who is going to believe that? You are french, arent you?
i am but especially in marseille we are very manly men unlike paris faggots
if you got time too much just give me some time of you to me
its well known that time is money... if you know what i mean ehehehehh
Mother:, daughter, got a message on your facebook.
Daughter: Mom, I'm in the wc!
Mother: is such a ,LeFrancis ...

image: tumblr_mbugyh6cfL1rwezsoo1_400
ahahahahahah dat woman liek so cool n shit :XD!
I think you should die aswell.
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