Et problem :(

I remember having this problem before, but cant recall how I fixed it! The problem only started since i got a new 24" monitor:

Any ideas? Google doesnt help
r_mode 6 and try again
I had the same years ago. Don't remember what I did to fix it either :o). You only changed monitor? This screams for a driver issue...

1) I'd fuck around with different resolutions, check your etconfig (not sure what it was called) before starting ET for weird resolutions. Set r_mode 6 or 8 or something normal.

2) Try getting new/different drivers for your card.

My money is on 1.
Quote...calling CDS: failed, bad mode
...trying next higher resolution: failed, bad mode
...restoring display settings
...created window@3,22 (1926x1106)

Quoter_mode 6 and try again
try to set up lower resolution, see if it works and then set up proper resolution
It's most likely your resolution that's causing u the error at first place, i assume u have updated GPU drivers so that shouldn't be an issue, as said above, try to lower ur resolution and start at around 1920x1080 and progress lower if the error still appears.
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