Back in the game

Three/four years ago you couldn't drag me away from my computer.
Why? Enemy Territory ofcourse!
Playing in clans, even some ETTV in my time.
Then reality hit me, and I got back into rugby, trained hard for that and put all my focus in that beautiful game I continue to play today.
I quit ET and trained every day, eventually got to play for my country once and had several regional selections on my name. Now playing for the first team I'm one of the starters so you can say I'm a decent player.
So exam time are here, since I'm in college by now, (I came far from a hopeless addicted highschool kid) AND guess what?
I downloaded and installed Enemy Territory again. YAY!
So been playing couple of days now and seem to get my aim a little back. Never was a talent though. :)
Need to get my config sorted out etc. but the shitty thing is that I'm in the middle of my exams. I got my books here open at 2AM and what I'm doing is writing this freaking journal.
I used to play as Gancia, wich I will do soon, untill I get the hang of it I'll be playing as Xios.
Like the sound of that though. :)
So I'm back. How active I will be? Not that much since I'm focussing on a lot of things atm.
But it's good to be back and can't wait to see some old friends again :)

Xios AKA Gancia
Cool beans bromigo

where and who you play for ?
Belgium, used to play for F4, and couple other clans, even had my own for a while. Cannot remember them all.
No real big clans though; didn't got better than Med- level! LOL
oh i was meaning with ya rugby haha
oh. Haha :D
I'm playing for Laakdal 1st xv, that's 3th national Divition.
Also I've played flemish U16's, regular in the u17 provincial selection and got one game for the national u18 but they kicked me out :D
Still Belgian level isn't to compare with NZ though :p
And i'm a utilityback if u may wonder :) Everything exept 9 :D
Please just don't be so annoying anymore when it comes to ingame whining, welcome back!
People grow up, unlike you
How ironic to hear that from you
Lol! will never stop whining brother!
That's how it's done! ;-)
From where are you? :)
Belgium bro! Profile says it all
Wallon or Vlaams?
Nice, a Belgian back in action ! NL/FR?
Rugby? isnt that the gay version of football?
Actually americans ripped off football from rugby, then they added sissypads and helmets ;-)
And took the shorts off as well,you kept them :O
You like shorts? or just men in shorts?

or just men?
what's gay about shorts.. :D
Nothing gay with shorts,I love wearing them,but dude,we are talking bout a rugby shorts here.
image: Bletchley%20Rugby%20Shorts
fucking rugby shorts
Montage, what's up man? Why r u hating? :-)
Did your ex boyfriend play rugby and does this reminds you of him?
It can be painful I guess, but hey, we don't judge!
It's alright man!
Im all good,how about yourself? Did I just stepped on a sensitive spot or wat? is that so sensitive for rugby player hearing some laughs about their non-manly shorts? And for your questions,since that our rugby scene here in Israel are kinda small,almost insignificant ( Since we are not much of gayish ) I will have to disqualify that,and ever had a boyfriend as well,but seems like your pretty up to understanding that kind of situation,or even been through one,dunno,but I can be sure about couple of things,first,you loveee your rugby shorts,rugby shorts jokes is something you must be hating much,and that you must have been too much around with the shorty pants gang that you forgot about the existence of trolling,so take your pants off and have some education at the internet's only real and true space of faggtory and trolling ,,they also share the love as you guys,and I dont mean for the shorty pants,when done get the real thing at

That's not nice flaming on what is seems to be the only guy who is still commenting or your great, powerful and mighty return to ET,I might even delete all of my comments so you will be back to the sad situation as you were before I stepped on the sensitive spot,when no gave a fuck,but still as yet Im having fun,I wont. <3
Wauw! you wrote me a book! How sweet :-)
Nah I can take some jokes about the shorts, some really are too short.. The one I got playing european championship in France looks more like a boxer.. Undershorts are the key man! ;-)
and yes I do know the existance of trolling, but that doesn't mean I can't give you some backfire doesn't it? ;-)
And it's nice of you that you called my return 'great and powerful' but you shouldn't have! Just trying to be active :)

P.S. Actually no, I don't know that much about the internet, just how to download music etc :) Since I step out once in a while :p Oh well all good man! Thanks for responding :)
Not quite of a book,more like a short book :)
And I know when having those kind of shorts you can move easier and better,but its still looks gay and seems like you guys the rugby players are much aware of that :D
Anyways,your tactic is lame man,and don't wanna make me troll here anymore,but I will leave some words of my wisdom before I will be gone,never give a shit what other people think,just wear your shorts and be happy,yet Im happy without short,but well,that's just me.
They sure are comfy man!
And it's a nice thing to let your girlfriend wear ;-)
Nah man it was a fun hussle! Take care
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