Need DMG Medic @ OC [EU]

As the title says we need last one to complete our lineup. PMA said he don't have much time now so:

About us
  • Poland szczurek
    Hungary dexter
    Poland Nightmare
    Czech Republic bobika
    Netherlands jeewee
    Europe you (MED)
  • Around MED skill
  • have TS (channel ) we can use
  • nice guys, who are not whining
  • Able to speak English if you are EU
  • Going to play OC 2nd Div
  • We're praccing at Sunday, Monday and Thursday (we can talk about days)

Aggressive medic,last standing medic,dmg dealing medic..
  • At least med skilled
  • Speak english
  • Dont rage/whine/flame too much
  • Be able to kill 1,2,3... / know how to revive
  • be able on pracc days

If you're interested PM here @ Crossfire or /q nightmare at IRC #Monte

# image: 704383
image: jessica-snsd-perfect-girl-hd-106382
I would fit perfectly to your team, because I used to deliver MAD damages, too bad I don't play ET anymore, hence I can't join. Sorry.
No one wants to play with that bobika kid
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