Spawntimers in certain maps

So as the headline says i think the spawntimes on some maps are just ridiculous and should be changed (Frostbite, et_beach and et_ice).
25 seconds seems just too much for the attackers. Attacking should be easier so that boring double-fullholds which seem to be a common case on et_beach could go away.
I think the attacking spawntime should be 20 in these maps, like in every other map, because if defending is harder then the better teams should win more.
Also 25/30 spawntime completely kills the 20/30 spawntime synergy in terms of pushing from either teams, it's like you almost always get someone full or be fullspawn yourself.

What does CF think?
Also 25/30 spawntime completely kills the 20/30 spawntime synergy in terms of pushing from either teams, it's like you almost always get someone full or be fullspawn yourself.

20/30 is horrible... it ends up always unfair situation in goldrush and supply for attacking team.
So you would prefer a 30/30 for both teams?
and bring 5o5 back. too much forfeits nowadays :/
They are 25/30/35 for a reason, the reason is to keep the balance of the map, for example on ice those 5 seconds you wanna cut out would matter a lot actually, think about it.
have never seen a double fullhold on et_beach. :D
seen too many first stage double fullholds
I've seen long first stage holds, sometimes fullholds, but double fullholds? ;x maybe I just haven't specced enough ladder dwellers @ ettv.
best thing is,when you got cp + east,main blown up at supply
and you got spawntime

that you self,spawn and axis bitch got 8-10secs to spawn so they kill 4of you on full,that's always lovely,or at gayrush! same!
uh wtf lol
actually this should show yourself, where you still make errors.
What the fuck
bahahaha fuckin faggot l2speakenglish :x:d::x/D:d:D/:d:d
meez wrote something about this, read it.
that column was very bad. he started good but didnt get to his point at all. he also said that in comments after re-reading.

but u sure can ask meez something about frostbite, because he is a professional on that map
developers made spawntimes like that for a reason i think why would you fuck them up. niggu pl0x
et_beach & et_ice for ET were never made by "developers" , simply quickly converted with some minor adjustments
yeah but the original ones for rtcw not
yes and on rtcw beach is 40 / 30 & ice is 30 / 30
As fumble mentioned, meez wrote something interesting about that back in the days. Having 25/30secs respawncycles erases the "bad spawntime-situations" which appear on some stages, at some maps. The majority of the maps is obviously using 20/30secs, this can lead to the same pattern of attacks and same pattern of counterpushes. Imo, this "pattern" is neither bad or good.
Also, ...5ish spawns lead to more dynamic game in general, for example:
With 25/30secs and having the team spawn at same time at some point it will take 6 allies and 5 axis respawns to spawn at same time as the opposition. Meanwhile you got all kind of diffrent timespans between attacking and defending respawn.
I think that forces teams to organise there attacks more on-the-fly.
QuoteHaving 25/30secs respawncycles's the "bad spawntime-situations"

I haven't played ET in a while but most maps use 20/30 right? It's pretty bad that the defending team can push and selfkill over and over again for the whole duration of the map without getting punished purely because of the same pattern working in their advantage. Works in a similar way for the attacking team allowing for easy pushes/selfkills and getting a 3 min time on for example lottonest.
Learn how to play properly on these maps, the spawntimes aren't made for u to push / rush each spawn, but to play tactically thro entire map.
Those spawtimes are ther for purpose. I'm sure they guy who made those maps know what they were doing and added 25/30 second spawn for some reason.

you got spawntimes changed on other mods,it's not about how the map was made,orr?
Mostly it comes down how the map is made. Who ever made those maps know what are the best spawn times for teams and we can't do anything about it.
funny u mention ice, frost, beach.. i think double fullholds are rare on those maps, not like supply or goldrush where double fullholds are common, especially in 3v3.

personally i never had problems with 25/30 spawntimes.
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