CF ET cup and CB ET EC - fuck off delays


Recently I have noticed a shit load of teams delaying their officials just because they can't organize themselves properly, that's incredibly pissing me off, because admin crew did a great job so far, and those delays will only bring on thing : the cup dying, and even ending up earlier than expected because they'll get bored of this shit.

To be honnest, as we're in early bracket/groupstages, we should just fuck it and apply rules strictly to whoever can't play after the dead line. So plz admin crew, FUCK THEM UP, either by a warning system, or a straight forfeit win. I am not particularly speaking about one team but rather the general behaviour towards war organisation.

Do I look mad? yes :)

brb snoop syndrom

image: b8liyicwfhpjmq7
yep, fuck delays! Sweden for gold!

bring 5o5 back =]
I'd like to point out that bachOrr talks too much!
agree ;) teams should start talking after their first match and contact the opponent team instantly to agree on the next match date&time ... forfeits wins are shit... a better communication is needed! but if all the games scheduled for thursday will be played as planned the thing will look a bit better - at least for the cf et spring cup!
well afaik, 3 games r alrdy delayed to sunday, which is why i am complaining, far from me to expect any forfeit win due to a bad schedule, but sometimes you just have to deny the fun and stick to rules. Else the cup will suffer from it later.(e.g : finals in what, july august?)
we gave a little working room for teams so far - but you are pretty accurate in that they just try to take more.. teams coming to me with 2 days left on schedule with "we talked to them... we cant play" :D and after reschedule to 2 days late "can we play this next week?" its quite amazing. :)

And indeed, it cannot continue - I'm hoping for a good end to this cup because quite simply right now 6on6 seems quite untenable to organise a tournament for the way teams organise themselves.
that's why u guys should be rough about this. It has two outcomes : either teams don't respect it and leave the cup, either they stick to rules and it goes well.

That's tbh the overall attitude of etplayers nowadays, it's not recent, but we need to fix this FOR THE SAKE OF THE GAME ahah
CB spoiled teams for years and if this journal was made in let's say 2010 forfeits would be the way to teach them a lesson till next cup, however since ET is in bad shape and even less team will play in next seasons there isn't much you can do. WE ARE IS DOOMED
ok mate will do my best
oh that's how you want to get a forfeit in a game vs us, nice :/ feel free to take it!
well you obviously didn't read the whole journal did you?

I don't care about getting a forfeit win or not, i just noticed how annoying it is (not only you) that teams can't schedule games on time.

As I told you already best would be to play it before the deadline, once again I guess admins will allow our game on sunday. But that's the system and teams behaviour i am blaming, if you can actualy understand those words.

I was just doing a current state of the art...
love the pic
Well current ET state isn't as it used to be, neither are most of the players that are still around. Most of players have obligations during week or at particular days/evenings and simply cant play ET at those days, reason there's always games being delayed on the prac days those teams have.

Could go on and on with why games re being delayed, but i guess u get my point already.
I do and I got myself couple of things to do, but then if I can't I won't claim participating a cup. The counter will be : then no etplayer can play. So the solution is : teams need to get more involved, and cups need more relaxing schedules
Well players are trying to schedule games on the days both teams are actually avi, and as being seen nowadays, stuffs like that are sometimes hard to organize, simply because most of players have a lot of stuffs in real life and cant find equal day for both teams to fit their schedules.

As for this CF cup, if the games re being set on Thursday and are rescheduled for Sunday/Monday i don't see any problem at that as i don't find it that big of a delay.
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