Bring 5v5 Back !!!

We want 5v5 back, make it happen admins !!

The rent is too damn high.
fuck off
How is it useless ? Teams struggling to find a 6 all the time mr "admin
It was 5on5 once, didn't go good did it.
it was made too early.
yep was made to early but now its to late, the game is dying more and more it will not help.
I bring back 6on6 just because 5v5 was a fail
once it's 5on5 teams struggling to find a 5th all the time
Honestly issue about having a 6th isn't that big, its more likely ppl are too unrealible these days and it would be the same with 5on5 format.
i would actually agree if there are more teams then :D
no lol.. 5on5 ruined ET (6on6 isnt played like it used to), bringing it back cant do any good

either let the few people playing this game have as much fun as possible, or let it die..
are u retarded?
go play cod or cs if you want 5on5, shithead
vitun mulkku go play 2on2
hiljaa mothe kusipää
teams would be searching for a 5th then. 5o5 is no fun, let et die already, let it die slowly, but let it die
Are you TosspoT in disguise?????
pretty sure this guy's ross.
image: LAad3Uc
image: PhvTsqJ
image: Ok4WbN4
image: 3xLxiKu
hurr durr let's change formats again that will fix everything
image: qdaYadn
image: 8yM5OvT
image: 93CIOJo
image: tRUAxAD
image: bJYXCDf
image: LWP07e9
image: nUEIsC0
image: eKru25o
Oh embarrased you so crazy.
all from r/aww? :P
Looking at how many teams are having a bad time getting a reliable 6th, yes.
so when teams will have difficulties gettin a 5th we'll go 4v4 and so on
not like i give a shit about this game anymore but sometimes people's logic...
5o5 was actually official, there's even a config for it. How does that relate to going back to 4o4 as well then?
5o5 is, ''according to official shit out there'', the minimum size for a largerteam, so yeah why not
ok tell me about your last summer holidays now
Was pretty fun, got to mock some french faggots and shit, always good.
must be french
who the fuck is "we"? fuck off ya cunt
most of EC teams r looking for decent 6th.
admins dont want it now but after next full of forfeits season they won't have choice. Summer will be good time for such a change. 5o5 oppos will get great chance to get life and quit ET and nerds will get chance to create another team and play.
5on5 always comes fails and goes

just a cycle

needs to be more ways to get players involved with teams or just scrimming (mercing whatever).
lets open ET-Academy where we will train new talents!
Would be the same problem with 5on5 teams, just that they'd have to search for a decent 5th
he's just american,no need to be rude :>
Here's an idea, lets change the official format to 3on3 entirely, double the amount of teams!
I hope ur not joking
..or maybe even triple the amount by switching to 2on2 format?
ross' wet dream!
would be cool. what is the problem with 5on5?
just request a random 5on5 game from like two years ago and then request a 6on6 game. tell me which one is less boring...
well, i prefer 6on6, but i guess 5on5 is not that bad. although im rookie in ET and i also didn't play etpro 2 years ago, that's why i asked what the problem is with 5on5. so sorry if i'm wrong.
This man knows.
admins changed it once to 5on5 and guess why there is 6on6 again.
the fault is in the teams, not the format. unstable teams will stay unstable even if ET went to 5on5 again (which wouldn't help at all right now).
The thing that MOST OF THE TEAMS are looking for a 6th DOESNT MEAN THE GAME NEEDS TO BE A 5on5. GROW A FUCKING PAIR AND GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS AND THINK A BIT. 5on5 is what ruined 6on6 you moron. The problem with 5on5, is that THIS GAME IS 6on6 NOT A FUCKING 5on5/4on4 W/E bullshit. GO PLAY PUBLIC if you want a fucking 5on5. USELESS SHIT.

ONE MORE THING: WHO THE FUCK IS "WE"? I hope you're not referring to the twats over the pond cause you mongols are too fucking egoistic to play this game (hence CB ban).
wow, chill out not like someone is gonna take this seriously
:D I KNEW that ppl will react to this :D
you were absolutely right tho :D
What's wrong with your caps lock? :o
Calm down poor Estonian I was just makin a journal to see how many ppl would like 5v5 back don't start goin on ur nerd rampage now lol
The thing that MOST OF THE TEAMS are looking for a 6th DOESNT MEAN THE GAME NEEDS TO BE A 5on5. GROW A FUCKING PAIR AND GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS AND THINK A BIT. 5on5 is what ruined 6on6 you moron. The problem with 5on5, is that THIS GAME IS 6on6 NOT A FUCKING 5on5/4on4 W/E bullshit. GO PLAY PUBLIC if you want a fucking 5on5. USELESS SHIT.

ONE MORE THING: WHO THE FUCK IS "WE"? I hope you're not referring to the twats over the pond cause you mongols are too fucking egoistic to play this game (hence CB ban)
Oh u Sinnu, u tell em!
The thing that MOST OF THE TEAMS are looking for a 6th DOESNT MEAN THE GAME NEEDS TO BE A 5on5. GROW A FUCKING PAIR AND GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS AND THINK A BIT. 5on5 is what ruined 6on6 you moron. The problem with 5on5, is that THIS GAME IS 6on6 NOT A FUCKING 5on5/4on4 W/E bullshit. GO PLAY PUBLIC if you want a fucking 5on5. USELESS SHIT.

ONE MORE THING: WHO THE FUCK IS "WE"? I hope you're not referring to the twats over the pond cause you mongols are too fucking egoistic to play this game (hence CB ban)
As i posted above, having an issue of getting 6th isn't about the format being played at 6on6, but about players being unrealible at general, 5on5 wouldn't change a damn thing at all.
The thing that MOST OF THE TEAMS are looking for a 6th DOESNT MEAN THE GAME NEEDS TO BE A 5on5. GROW A FUCKING PAIR AND GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS AND THINK A BIT. 5on5 is what ruined 6on6 you moron. The problem with 5on5, is that THIS GAME IS 6on6 NOT A FUCKING 5on5/4on4 W/E bullshit. GO PLAY PUBLIC if you want a fucking 5on5. USELESS SHIT.

ONE MORE THING: WHO THE FUCK IS "WE"? I hope you're not referring to the twats over the pond cause you mongols are too fucking egoistic to play this game (hence CB ban).
Bring back mortar, problem solved...
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