Old game - Chrome 2006

Hi there,

I was feeling nostalgic and wanted to play that game again. I found some torrents, but they are dead.

http://www.gamespot.com/chrome/ <------ The game itself.

It's not about piracy or something, I would buy it if i could.

So my deep wish is that someone has that game or something and could share it with me. Would make me a really happy chap !
found it on piratebay but only 3 € on amazon or ebay
The Piratebay torrents are basically dead.
I have that game, I bought it retail for something ridiculous when it was released :D
Think I played it just once as well :D
Could you upload the install CD or seomthing :P ? :D
you need to visit cf more and post those comments : /
I havent visited this site for a while. Nothing to do here anymore
bad polish game :c
Remember playing a demo of this a rather long time ago, it's basically a poor attempt at a Halo clone.
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