I need a new game

I've been playing this game since 2004 but i am tired of being annoyed by lame cheaters on jaymod publics.
When they arent brained enought to spot cheaters, server admins are cheaters themselves.

Already tried COD but i did not like it at all.
I cant stand these toony new game where an aiming skill are'nt required.

Which one should i get?
Give LoL a try. Actually a nice game. Or switch to CS:GO.

I won't blame you for leaving :P
sniping like a boss with ashe's arrow
Some people i know already tried to get me into this game.
Installation lasted 20 minutes. I tried it 5 minutes, and i uninstalled it.

Goof troop(super nes) is much better.

was talking about fps by the way
That's because you didnt give it a go. I also installed and deleted it right away. After a little while I tried it again and it's actually pretty fun.
Kinda same but the major thing that kept me there is the incredible activity and how easy it is to make people rage
yeah me 2
Neverwinter Online!
Which admins are you talking about?
was playing on pub mods and i am reffering to FA, LL, GOC, prime squadron servers.
so who is actually using hacks on prime squadron?
Yiu ofc u noob from low to med blues wtff HACKKXXKERR
HoN is addicting, tho u better get friends to play with u, the community is what it is sometimes...
Thanks for useless info... You cant find a better game. All the games nowadays are really easy.. Except for maybe cs:go which is really boring and slow
not necessary asking for a recent game.
i heard of team fortress 2. is it really that good? need aim or not?

heard about quake live(should i get the browser game or is the stand alone client better?)

never tried CS, should i? or does it tend to be an old game full of cheaters just like ET?
TFortress2 has something (maybe only rockets..) common with quakelive...

but it's fun only on pubs
"(maybe only rockets..) common with quakelive..."

shut up, just shut up, you always have to add your two cents although you've got 0 idea, don't you?
You just did the same, get cancer and die in car fire :)
at this point it is not really possible to have more cheaters than ET has

CSGO is said to be quite clean at this point, TF2 is strategically quite a nice game to play competitively but aim is not as important as you probably would like it to be.
ET now (including publics) doesn't have 10% of the cheaters from 2006-2009, that's a fact. mainly because ET doesn't have 10% of the playerbase it used to. I'm sure if anyone bothered to actually check the amount of cheaters BF3/CSGO and other new FPS titles get they'd never say a thing about ET having some percentage of cheaters in the public & medskilled 3on3 scene.
team fortress is a shit game

go for shootmania . 19euros
and yes , you should definetly try csgo
no cs 1.6 , the game started dying and everybody is pro there already
TF2 is really easy too. Competitive gaming requires some tactics and thought but we played it few competitive games with irl friends about 1,5years after the release and we dominated even we didnt have any real skills in the game. Wouldnt call it hard game or anything in that matter.
running into one cheater in year is 2 much 2 handle
Nobody cares.
Wanted to try shootmania too but too lazy to pay it.
Anyone here gonna try the last Splash Damage game? (Dirty Bomb)

e: In fact I might buy shootmania.. is there a great community? good activity?
the game sucks, activity sucks and community doesn't exist.

try quakelive instead, it's a great game with a great community and it's active
I tried SM today and people on the server I went were very friendly and nice towards a beginner like me which is pretty cool imo becuz ET community is full of retards and trolls, just go on pubs if you know what i mean..
So for a first try I found SM pretty interesting, the game doesnt suck imo, it's pretty cool and I'm already addicted i think.
2 weeks.
since ive seen this vid, im playing bf3

dont i remember you making a big fuzz and emotional post about how you are gonna leave the site?
I randomly pop on after weeks and see you claiming to play an outdated game because you saw the least funny video in the world.
you really have not grown up a single bit.
why dont you post some more white women and snicker like the donkey baby that you are?
why dont you keep on sucking my cock?
is what 99,9% of donkey babies would result to saying when confronted like this.
your toilet scrubbing immigrant parents must be so proud of your taste, your wits and your attitude.
my family is rich
Welcome back
What is your general opinion on BF3? Even though I enjoy the random .pub game every now and again I think it lacks certain game mechanics for serious play ( under which being gibbing, reviving is still too stronk )
sooo hard to see the enemies :( but it makes fun to drive/fly the vehicles ;)
if you'd truly been playing that long you would've quit when nC & other cheat sites were selling to the thousands. not now in 2013 when there are so little cheaters I couldn't even spot one name in EC/OC that I suspect. :]
that fumble guy from supski is quite dodgy tbh.
excheater or cheater, whatever
there's actually quite a big difference.
karrde is retarded tho :s
I bet you though they are stealing your fps hence cheating accusations. So let me tell you this, I haven't heard about a cheat that is stealing opponents fps's. You sound pretty ridiculous right now. Stealing enemies fps...LOL. Get your facts straight boy.

nuff said
world of tanks
csgo,starcraft, i dont like cod aswell but i tried playing super ninja style on bo2 (knife only no weapons) and its so much fun, especially when u got most kills :y
if u wanna be a pro gamer, id say go with starcraft = )
Have you ever considered a carrier in circus ?
i considered buying a circus instead of getting a real big lobby
Will you play a part in that circus ?
why the fuck not !
try quakelive ! it needs a lot of skills :)
cs:go, shootmania (elite mod, the one played in cups etc is F2P), bf3 (bf4 soon)
If you want to get something that is remotely like ET there is only a single competitive class-based tactical FPS out there.
It is called "Natural Selection 2".
There is things like Quake but thats not at all like ET, essentially an arena shooter and there is only a very tiny and established community left meaning that you will never get anywhere before the serivce eventually shuts down.
Shootmania is dead before it was released and the joke of the competitive scene for some reason.
CoD is a pub game (you missed out on CoD4). CS is what is has always been (aka boring for many of us).
Speaking of mobas you can only really go for dota2 if you want to be serious, HoN is rotten and dying, LoL is for kids and scrubs, SMITE and Awesomenauts are incredibly fun but not competitive.
You can pick up BF3 rather cheaply these days. It isnt a competitive game but experiencing it on pubs, especially with friends, is quite the thing.
The very high skill ceiling FPS is somewhat out of date, multi-gaming and indie games its where its at.
Go play Stardrive with the Overdrive mod for example, thats the best 4X since master of orion.
this summs stuff up pretty nicely.. what are your thoughts on dirtybomb though? I have been hearing good things about it but am afraid to get any real hopes up. Have you experienced it yet?
I doubt it will be what this community is looking for.
For some reason people on here have the tendency to be extremely loyal.
Whatever Splash releases is getting hyped up just to have the hopes smashed on release.
I also dont see why people would be defending Quake and Shitmania to this extend.
However that may be I think its quite obvious that Dirtybomb is in no way aimed at the audience of cF.
it is not gonna be a hardcore, ultra-high skill ceiling competitive FPS. It is a f2p game (which, remember, means no moddability at all) aimed at a pub audience with unlocks, cool skins and all that good jazz.
Dont get me wrong that game model is very valid and popular these days but not what we are looking for.
It will be more down our alley than most things with a multi-stage objective driven gameplay but in my mind that does not justify the appreciation that people blindly throw its way here.
Splashdamage has disappointed me a lot in the past. To be brutally honest I think that having RTCW to work with they didnt even do that good of a job with vanilla ET, we play mods and interations of it rather than the base game.
They will have to prove themselves to me and before that happens I couldnt give less of a damn...
Seems that Quakelive is as cheated as ET.

Tried TF2 but it sucks. Most of players say it sucks since an upgrade.

Shootmania seems homo. Flashy guys jumping all around, streching their legs and assholes.

Need to find something else.
shootmania is definetly wat you are looking for.
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