Venice IRL :D

Hey people, a friend of mine went to venice, it brings me back some fo the best moments I remember of ET. I hope it will for you too ;)

image: veniceshot17
image: 420725_10201088164703396_2119004682_n

image: veniceshot18
image: 486853_10201088164023379_1526481150_n

image: wsdjuc0y
image: 389090_10201088156263185_93945128_n

image: 11venice3
image: 482595_10201088165063405_866168492_n

image: newbitmapimage7yf3
image: 395769_10201088159143257_295631043_n

héhé I hope you enjoyed :)
reminds me of when someone once linked me to wurzburg radar @ google maps =)
o: I think i saw that too
it might have been a pic though :C I remember looking for it again but it looks like a field now on google maps with only one radar x)
I love to see the maps from games IRL. Like metro on bf3, i was like "hey it's the same poster than in the map" :p
I've seen bremen too
3 years ago was in France Normandy saw Caen(totally different than map) and most of places known from CoD, MoH and other WW2 games ;D
Well maybe they did the map based on old pic/movie before the city got destroyed :D
lol :O
is there any description about it?
looooooool, made me hmmm... smile :D
slow site
i ve been to venice several times, but ve never seen this temple before...
nice pic here :)
gg allied already stole the boat
shit look better in et than real life, son
hehehehehehehehe old
where is sp_delivery irl? im gonna burn this fucking place up
nice journal :) need more kind of these!
its so strange to see those places irl when you actually know them so well from game :p
haha, it just shows what a good job the mapmaker did!
only pic one looks like the real place the rest is total bullshit made by an autistic map maker
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