Ragnarok online 2

Earlier today I received a sms from mate who told that a Ragnarok Online 2 had been released in steam. Ofc I was excited as fuck about the new coming of one of the best games ever made. So I decided to download it and give it a try. Everything seemed flawless untill I finally got in to the game and saw the horrifying truth:

The legendary ragnarok online had been transformed in to a buggy fuckin World of Warcraft. Really.. I've seen my girlfriend playing a facebook games that seemed more interesting and ran more smoothly than this one but the most annoying thing was that even the damn in game windows looked like the ones WOW has. About that:

I actually, after years of persuaiding from my friends, decided to give WOW a chance. So I bought it (with all the hundreds of expansions) made a char and played it all the way to max lvl. After maybe 2 months I had done some raids with mates and stuffffs but it was fuckin boring.. All so damn similar and boring..

This is what ragnarok 2 offers. Awesome multiplayer game turned in to a bad WOW (dont get me wrong wow is a great game for some people just not for me). Thank the buddha it is free and might as well just get the same popularity as facebook mmorpgs but who would like to download 4gbs of game to get a same experience that they can get any day for free? Also I cannot understand why the innovating people of gravity would want to make a new ragnarok with a same form as everyone else are.

Ragnarok Online was unique. It was and is a legendary game. What is to come looks like a disgrace. If this site has any fans. Long live ragnarok ONE!
never heard of this game
Therefore we should call you unsophisticated.
How so? I never liked those kind of games, it seems legit that i never heard of it if i never paid attention :P
So how is your post relevant in the first place lol
Just wanted to share it :[
If you have never heard of a game ragnarok online it leaves me with no other thought than that you have never tried it so how could you like/dislike it if you don't even know what it is. Also I reckon most people on this site don't know ragnarok because they are probably too young for the time it was released etc..
After this being said I reckon I can call you unsophisticated.
He just wanted to share it :D
Ah, yes the satisfaction of killing these fuckers:
image: poring


All I remember from that game to be fair since I just can't seem to get into MMORPGs. Must be an old-ass game? Remember playing it way back, could even be before I discovered ET.
Was released in 2002. Still one of the best games ever.
Playing Ragnarok was the best. No other MMORPGs even compare, thats why I didn't play any other.

The epic WoE defences, last second breaks, amazing.

The only bad thing is.... that I don't know which server I played (owned) on.
neverwinter >
Runescape 1
try neverwinter, played it up till level 5 because i didnt have much time to try it more but the graphics are amazing, few things are a bit stolen from D3 but ok by the looks of it a very populated game and felt nice.

It's not about graphics, it's about the game actually being good.
U're also playing this game? Thought u gave up on PW games?
from what I've heard and read so far they seem to have balanced it quite ok with cash shop (as much as possible to PWI standards...) thats the only reason I'm trying it out.
Yeh, but well u know how much they try to involve zen market and pretty much if u want to have any proper gear u need to spend real cash for zen, didn't figure out yet, but i guess u can change ingame cash for zen as in most of PW games.

What class u took ?
looks awesome i gona give it a try!
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