OneDayServers'Frag Hs Only OneDayServers'Frag Hs Only |

The past weeks some people asked me to create a PureFrag server like Element'PureFrag had in the past!
Most of you will prolly still know this name/server, cause it was kinda successful in the past.

What is this about?
The server settings are:
- Headshot only (3headshots)
- Current mapcycle: purefrag, lna1vs1 , ... (post or pm other maps you think would be great for this mode)
- 20 slots
- Maptime : 20 minutes
- Current spawntime: every 4 seconds (almost insta respawn) to create a real HS Only Frag Server (this is also still editable: testing phase)

image: 117dSwp

teamdamage disabled
selfkill disabled
medic;panzers;rifles;mines disabled

ideas, maps are welcome!
good luck & have fun :~>
Will check it out later, but don't make it hs only!
mate, do it just HS hitboxes.. 3hs -> kill

instagib is too fast :)
+1, 1 hs kill gets boring, especially with the hitboxes on it + the probable random polaks jumping with their lugers :D

and there is something on there that resets a config or so, doop and I both had a fucked up config whilst playing there, dunno what could cause it xarq but would be nice if you could look in to it :)
nothing wrong with jumping & hs ^^
for u, I know its okay
no i mean, shit happens
ur the example
shit happens in English means stuff happens,but oke nwm
I know my English well, guess you don't understand my ''joke''.
i do,but i decided to ignore it since its not satisfying
So now ignoring is responding as well.. strange! Or is it now also just used as an excuse to say u ignored something when you actually didn't even get it in the first place
woooo's not getting it now
okidokelido! there's 6 o's btw
wanted to make it obv for u
eum no idea what can cause that...
exec config ? :DD
Well, normally you don't have to exec your config everytime you join a server :p
+ I tend to change some settings once in a while, connecting to this server then moves all those settings back.

hitboxes voele nog steeds vreemd, net als op de andere publics, mss moet je echt overwegen niet meer via die duitse gevallen te hosten wil je echt verder gaan met public servers hosten. meeste duitse servers zijn namelijk rerouted zonder dat je het doorhebt

wel bijna beter dan ycn in ieder geval :p
nou als je 27 dedis hebt in dezelfde datacenter en nooit problemen mee hebt en top support dan blijf je daar gwn wel lekker. en wel 100% zeker dat die servers staan waar ze beweren te staan (als je dat bedoelt met rerouted) :p de routing kan mss wel iets beter maar ik heb daar hellemaal geen last van
En toch zijn de hitboxes niet goed, dus wat is je punt? xD het is niet alsof ik de enige ben die dat merkt hoor en vooral in ET valt dat gewoon erg op. In andere games zal het minder uitmaken omdat het toch minder aimbased is
1 hs was too random
updated: 3hs -> kill
no sk and teamdamge :P
Great idea!
People should play on this!
Miss the purefrag days ;)
Don't be scared to come to ts sometimes xarqi mate ;)
Just ask Perlo for the server files (Lua). I got it but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to give it out.
what do these lua do?
You said: "to create a PureFrag server like Element'PureFrag had in the past!"
PerlO_oung?! was the server admin and created the files for it.
Maybe you can get the lua for the headshot server or the config of the purefrag server.
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