The big bang

Well, as some of you may know or not, as said in the media, Israel attacked and destroyed Syrian structures / bunkers that has been used for holding a chemical weapons, that has been most likely also given to Hizbullah Along with some nice ballistic missiles, that were destroyed too, suck our circumcised cocks.
I don't know where this video was taken from, but if you noticed, you hear the boom itself kind of in late, my friend did the math as he says, it has been filmed from 3 km away at least,most likely by a "Bunker Buster" bomb has been used,the big explosion is likely to be the caused by missiles stored there,and you may noticed something spreading out in the end of it,that may be the chemicals having fun.

Before you full of hate nerds gonna flame the shit out of this journal, tell me where have you been while Asad was using chemical weapons against his own people, where have you been while his people were slaughtered kids and old people with knives like a bunch of fucking animals, right you didn't gave a single fuck,same here,let them kill each other.
last night something rare happen,an enemy country saved another,since the early days of Israel Saryia were calling for a second holocaust for the jewish people,last night Israel stopped Asad from killing his own people with chemical weapons,while USA were sleeping,and EU were faping.
In the minds,they still hates us,but in the hearts the full of admiration for doing such a thing.
Fuck this corrupt world of ours,fuck those damn crazy lunatic fucks , why cant we just live in peace.

bind mosue1 vsay "alla wakbar"
thanks isreal for saving our planet. you are our heroes
Look who comes back from the retirement,and he does it cynical,holy fkn shit.
We did not save the planet,we cannot do this dat since its already lost,but we did saved some of your arabs friends.
Don't you have some coke to snort,or doing any other thing for being cool as fuck,and post it on some gaming scene over the internet?
I do not really think that such replies on comments is going to help get people to reply in a positive fashion on your journals in the future.. :/

I know you are a nice guy, but ppl will start hating you :D
exactly. i wrote something nice and he insulted me
Yea you are right,Im not sorry.
allah will show you the right path
Hi dudie,Im nice to the ones whos worth being nice too,people will hate me? some already do,but since the age of time,seems like I dont mind,I had no problem with this fake yerman,but since he made some "nice" comments in the past,I think it's not on my duty being nice anymore,not for for Im anyways.
damn you must be really angry nowadays :D
:D dor ma ata masbir laham bhlal
So israel bombed syria, I dont get how is that saving another country
Since Asad,who's the current dictator in syria at the moment,massacre at his own people even using chemical weapons in order to stop the civil war going on there for the third year now,the whole world mentioned and made it clear,that if and when he will use such a weapon against its own people,there will be a response,but they didn't.
So Asad continue massacring,and using chemical weapon at his own people,and let's not be hypocritical now,Israel does not gives a shit about her enemies killing each other,those people were raised on hating Israel,but since Asad was commanded by Iran to pass on some of the chemical weapons and ballistic missiles ( fkn ballistic missiles!) over to terrorist organizations such as hizbullah , it's becoming Israel's problem,since they said clearly,that they would shot them at us.
So,Israel went bombing over syria,destroying Assad's chemical weapons bunkers and his gift to the hizbullah,so basically,he don't have chemical weapon anymore,and now he's fucked,Asad last resort were using all of the chemical weapon as in case he had no more options saving his ass,since that happened,his ass no longer in Syria,he knows its over,most likely he ran to hide in Russia.
You can take the story from the holocaust,were U.S AirForce were flying over Auschwitz camp to bomb over germany,jews in the usa were begging to the US authorities to bomb the death railways to Auschwitz,even one or two bomb where enough,or the gas chambers,where over 1.6 million jews lost their life,but they didnt,why? god knows,if the would,they could have save many jews.
Someday in the next future,when the syrian civil war story would be told,people will ask,why the hell no country in the world did anything to stop it,and save the those people,and they surely will wonder why Israel did it,one of Syria's most worst enemies since ever.
Thanks for explanation!

But ye as you said israels intervention had nothing to do with good will or care about syria ppl, they just want to disarm everyone near them.
I think we may never know the truth about it,but as I see it,there is no reason getting our ass into a war for good will,especially not for a people who if had the chance,they would do the same things to us,even worse,we got enough of wars I think.
But since EU/US yet to do something to stop it,maybe they asked Israel doing it for them,yet no much info about what really happened there is known.
Israel could have take down the shipment for hezbollah ( ) and that's about it,why the bombed the whole bunkers around,god knows.
Who cares, jew
Quotemy friend did the math as he says, it has been filmed from 3 km away at least

Your friend should take math or physics lessons.
Since I was bored during my coffee time I took a look at your video.
We all know there's a delay between "the light reaching our eye" and "the sound blast reaching our ear".

Considering the speed of a sound wave through the air ~330m/s (meters not miles because im not an amerifag)
and the speed of light in the void which is quite similar to the air and also the delay between the 2 events which is 4.35s with my chinese watch that I bought 10e to a nice nigga (+considering the video isn't slowed or accelerated)

In a nutshell, we end up with :
D : distance
T : delay
V : speed of the sound
C : Speed of light

D = (T CV)/(|V-C|) ~ 1435.5m => approximately 1,5km

Np, i had fun.
Maybe he should,thank you for your time dear francis,but 1.5 is quite far enough,you don't mean that the boom itself wasn't boomie enough?
Well my thought on the subject is USA/EU didnt attack because they dont wanna have probs with mother Russia. I wouldnt be suprised to learn that EU/USA asked Israel to attack Syria and pretend they didnt know anything.
Yep,Russia and China said clearly that they got Sryia's back over what were going on,that's why I said that this world is fucked all over.
not bunker buster, but the missile is called "cutie" :~> or popeye :D
Ata SuS aHiZ :D
Senssssssational panza shot!
nice trailer, i might give this video game a shot
Sounds like propaganda from the ISR gov. Fuck the media, influenced by too many political games.
Yep,media is the propaganda of nowadays,not much of the Israeli government tho.
What I wrote,is as I see it and heard,news over the world atm covering it in other way.
islam sucks :(
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