playing et again :~>

so i want to play casually et again.

been few years since i played last time, so what do i need?

you have to answer since its your only purpose.
TZAC: - Register, login at website before logging in at the program, run as administrator (win7/8/vista), add exceptetions at your antivirus if needed, use predifined shortcut ( TZAC - ET )

ETPro 3.2.6:
what about a server browser?
and the game itself :~>
missing ur journals

they might come back :~>
wb Leonard Cohen
lol wb mate :~>
Please dont do that,ET is dying nowdays anyway >:(
please dont shot - palestinians are dying nowdays anyway
please learn to express yourself properly in english - it's dying nowadays
Shot? what do you mean by that?
And Palestinians are dying while they brought this on them self,terror is about death,so most likely they will face it first if that's depends on us.
your government is shit and their government is shit, both are terrorists imo, with different ways of aggression though
Ok,seems like any other government out here,especially in europe are doing fine,
Well,enjoy your muslim growth,cya in couple years asking Israel for help when it comes to home land terror,peach.
“We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation." - Paulo Coelho
The land belongs to everyone, especially to the Arabs as the maturity (actually pretty much all) of people who lived there before Israel established itself and expanded were Arabs. Your people came to a land that belonged to someone else and still you act as if it was your right to exile Arabs and expand further and further over their land. What is worse, a society with 10% male not working pale religious faggots or a hard working islamic society?
You are full of bullshit,you have no clue what you are talking about,and the only right thing about you is the big mouth of yours.
Israel were nothing,but sand and fucking more sand,that "land" you are talking about,were 80% non-settled,after the holocaust was over,the jewish people were sent to be settled here by U.N under british regime,that was an easy solution for the world leaders,since no country were willing to accept the jews when the WW2 were over,and Im not even saying anything about the countries who were able to save many jews while the holocaust,but choose not to. We didn't ruled the land by the barrel of the gun,we bought the lands from arabs settlers in money,they loved it,those arabs who "lived" here he saw nothing special in this land,they took the money and moved to one of the other arabs countries around,since Israel were nothing for them.
In Israel,we came in peace surrounded by arab countries around us,we were attacked and attacked,by more then 6 arab nations armies at once who had one thing on their mind,finishing hitler's job,wiping out the jewish people.
We won the wars against all odds,and when you win a war you conquer the land you paid for in blood,but since no arab country were willing to accept the arab refugees who were left in Israel,we had no other option then to accept them,those refuges to be later to be called Palestine,sorry for being more human beings than their arab "brothers".
We choose to share our land,and we still do share it,Palestine's work in Israel and no were else,the electricity is provided by Israel and not by any other arab country and their oil,and they cant even pay for it.
There are arabs who live in Israel and there are some who dont,Israel is the only place the jewish people can call home,open you fucking eyes,how many countries the arab nations has? how big they are? but still,driven by hate and violence and in the help of dumbass people like you sir,they are creating a propaganda about who's the real wrong side in this story.
After what we being thought,and the fact in the 60 years of Israel's existence we were never been safe,never been able to reach an hand for friendship or peace around us,every country in this bloody area wants in our extermination,what would you do in that kind situation? right,you were leaving your land with no problem,OK.
but we still hope and dream about peace,but will never and ever let anyone else hurting us again,we have the power and the will to stand for our rights,and saying that we "steal the land" is just another way of looking at it,in the wrong way.
The land was sold by the leaders and not the population, it's as if you bought an apartment building and kicked out all of the people who rent the appartments with the huge difference that the people have lived on this land for ages and didn't have to pay rent. It's abusing financial and military advantage. It's not completely Israel's own fould, in the begin it was deffinitely the fould of the leading powers during that time and I never claimed that the Arabian Nations didn't/don't do a lot of bullshit as well. But once you established the might in Israel you started to not act any different towards the Arabians than the Nazis did in early phases of anti semitism towards jews. Of course this pointed/points the hatred of arab nations onto Israel. And now that the dangers Israel feared from around it became rather insignificant your government is flagrantly abusing this fact by commiting multiple crimes against human right all over the gaza strip and practising a politic of expanding similar to the imperialism during first world war and the time before
btw does hax on linux still works?! :A:SD:A:SD:A:SD:

well first of all you would need windows because there is no linux version for tzac
haha kevin,

and sebastian will need a new basement :~>
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