
Sup guys

Off to Amsterdam next month, woohooo! Haven´t been there before though, so I dont know what to do there, except inhaling shit ofc. But Im looking forward to alot of funz and relaxation, nomsayin? I´m just staying there for 4 days, so if any of you guys have a any ideas of where i SHOULD go or experiences, please share! And one more thing, which hotel do you guys suggest? Me and my stonerm8 prefer a decent located hotel, near the city. Not so expensive! Thx

Though I haven't stayed there yet I booked a few nights in this hotel this summer:
This was my first choice: (it's a bit cheaper, but it was fully booked when I went to book)

Van Gogh museum and Anne Frank place if you're into those sorts of things.
I haven't done this, but it looks like it could be fun:

I would suggest getting stoned and getting yourself lost in Vondelpark.
Amsterdam - fucking mecca for drug addicts.

low life punks
fucking expensive drugs there, aint mecca faggot
u cant afford them, addict?

how sad... go and do some drugs to forget about being too poor for quality stuff
heineken museum
Red light district
this, go fuck some hoes, do some drugs and crazyparty all 4 days, its gonna be fun
Quoteso I dont know what to do there,

Smoke weedz
Please underestimate the drugs as much as all the tourists here, then you'll have an awesome 4 days of not doing anything PLUS not remembering the whole thing anyway so then it doesn't matter anymore!
Red light district
madam tussaud
dampkring and barnys coffeeshop
hash museum
anywhere Frikandel eating :D
heineken is good if you like beer

personaly i would stay in haarlem, its cheaper and olny 15min form adam or zandvoort beach by car (Bastion Hotel is nice). moreover the coffeeshops are cheaper there.... adam = touri rip-off
+1 for the last part xD if you don't know which coffeeshops to go to, you'll be ripped off for sure xD
bulldog hotel, best hotel.
u should try eating some cactus from the smartshop.
and dont buy weed that costs less than 11 euro/ gram
have fun
I'm pretty sure cheaper weed will do the trick just fine.
for some yea, but cheaper weed u can buy in belgium for better price etc. so when i go to NL i buy expensive
Get backed and eat junk food all day,gained like 5 kilos in a ten day there :DDDDDDDD
visit some clubs like they are nice i heard from a friend.
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