New Wolfenstein Multiplayer

i just sended a message at machinegames (developpers of the game) on facebook

My message :
Arnaud Gleize
the developpers should watch some fragmovies of W:ET
to understand what the best multiplayer in the world consist in

Reply :

Thanks for your feedback. I understand that you really love ET's multiplayer, but W:TNO and W:ET are two very different games.

If you expect W:TNO to be W:ET with new graphics you will be disappointed.

Instead, try to see the game for what it is, the next installment of Wolfenstein.

Hope you will like the game.

Theo Savidis
Senior Game Designer

Arnaud Gleize

the graphics are the less important part thats why you still have players on games like W:ET and Dota 1 its just the gameplay the biggest part, and if you have a perfect gameplay like W:ET had you can play for years

Make it good guys you

because you tweak the game to the max to get the best fps the best vision to your rape opponent !
i think they only want our 50€.
we need to make our own wolfenstein 2
anyone able to do that? will pay double-third the price of w:tno
iiight, cu in 2years?
still learning java. no can do :DDD
hrhr my c skills are rarely too
you should go for C++ then.. though I won't go for any of the C languages until I master JAVA!!!
Most games are written using a mixture of COBOL and Haskell, so not worth learning C/C++ imo.
Yeah, good luck with Haskell without any, background experience with other languages.

Fuck, even John Carmack's struggling with it.
I would strongly recommend learning C before you do anything else. The reason is quite simple, C can give a beginning programmer more insight into what he is actually doing, whereas java usually makes stuff too easy ( and therefore some concepts become harder to comprehend )
Found it relatively easier adapting to a multitude of new languages using the C++ approach, the logic's just... simpler and more applicable.
hm cool, I haven't really dug too deep in C++, one thing I liked about the language was the ability to overload operators... made my network code quite a bit nicer to look at. The language is generally considered complicated and in my personal experience C was easy, hence me recommending it for beginners.
Damian Zubiel 1 kuukausi sitten

filus on tzac = max med
What's the site/page/name of them on facebook? MachineGames -> cant find :<
fuck this though..
its a remake of Wolfenstein 3D, not rtcw.
Exactly, same was for CS:GO and 1.6, completly different games and you expect the new Wolfenstein to be the same as ET with some better graphics, fucking retards :PP
words cant describe how much of an idiot you are
CSGO is perhaps one of the best modern FPS games I have played in terms competitive support. Totally different from 1.6 I agree, but all games can learn from CSGO.
ET is not wolfenstein, it never has been. The game shares assets and that is it.
historically wolfenstein is a stealth game since 1981, then turned in fast action fps 1992, then into team based action fps in 2001, then in more team based action fps in 2003. and into shit-based mp in 2009 :D
cant understand why after failing so often with developing a game - they still not listen to the community of gamers
they do listen, but to the casuals rather than competitive players. There are more communities and bigger communities for games other than just crossfire.

Point being, you want to make money? Don't make a game for the try hard fans but rather something that'd appeal the million of other players out there.
Delusional idiot.
Do you honestly think that after the disasters that Splashdamage prsented to us any dev would buy the rights to wolfenstein IP and then try and make another MP focused game with it?
games like ET are out of fashion, they dont sell.
The take the name and they will hopefully make a decent game with it.
Will it have anything to do with RTCW/ET? Not at all but that is not a bad thing.

Shit no name developer

get the fuck out
Machinegames were created by former Starbreeze members - creators of Riddick and The Darkness.
"If you expect W:TNO to be W:ET with new graphics you will be disappointed."

Like always, we will all be... they seem to insist in the same shit... like rtcw 2
Post the facebook page please,we should spam it just for the troll,let them know who they messing with.
they bought an IP that was run into the ground. Let them make a good game that succeeds in their targeted market.
Only because there is a name on the box that you once felt strongly about doesnt mean you have any right to a specifc type of game.
Last installments failed and made a big loss. If we ever want to see a Wolfenstein again this one needs to take a whole new approach.
Stop being morons, IP doesnt mean shit, dev studios do.
TNO wont even have MP.
Dont you realize that the name on the box doesnt mean shit about what the game will be like?
The dev studio is what people should pay attention to.
2012 and 2013 are the years of franchise reboots, doesnt surprise me that wolfenstein is one of them.
If you still think there is AAA devs out there that are aiming their games at us, aka trying to develop a high skill ceiling team-based FPS with strong MP focus you are nothing but delusional. If you think they would buy high-profile original IP to aim it a tiny niche market you are even further off. THe 100 people who still frequent this page wont make a title successful.
THis community is full of nostalgic morons who, despite being gamers for 10+ years, still have absoutely no idea of how the business works.
The points you were trying to make are completely incomprehensive. You should send that nice guy a message of appology for being such a retard.
dunno why people still think there's gonna be another game equal to ET (at least in the upcoming years)
in the past many franchises went down/got destroyed by the new generation of casual gaming but it seems like most CF members haven't realized that until this very day...
there are games that are a little bit like it.
but they are not called "wolfenstein" and they sure are not AAA titles.
people on here still live in the 90s when original IP was never sold off to another company and fanchise reboots were unheard of.

e: and i read your comment about DB. Why do you expect that to be aimed in any way at the audience of this site?
indeed / agreed

about DB:
the gameplay trailer and comments about it brought up the idea of it being appropriate for ET players due to its style and mechanics
not sure tho and I might've gotten a wrong impression of it
ET was an absolute piece of shit upon 'release' and 95% of the skilled wolfenstein community had that feeling towards it and never came to the game. A very small percentage came to ET, most spouting the same shit about ET that the ET community says about every game released :)
RAGE doesn't really have an MP side

W:TNO apparently uses the same engine (idtech5)

My guess is that idtech5 doesn't have great multiplayer support and is just a single player engine.

Also a game like ET is hard to pickup and sell to a world of 'Call of Duty BF3 players' and its not hardcore enough to produce a sequel in the style of CSGO.

My hope is that the W:TNO developers do a multiplayer AFTER then game has been released or make an SDK so we can make one maybe.
I honestly doubt that the lack of MP is due to engine limitations.
I reckon they are focusing on presenting a SP experience (it looks very much like a cyber-/steampunk adaptation/reboot of the franchise) and just cant be bothered with the shitstorm if they were to add an underdeveloped MP component.
Thats smarter than anything Splash has done with the IP... ever.
true an under developed mp would be awful :)
Most MP issues are caused simply by developers not putting the effort into it as much as they good. Most developers are so focused on delivering an immersive interactive singleplayer story. And than just give people a mediocre multiplayer with it...

Which is why I think MachineGames is doing a good thing here, just focus on singleplayer and not bother about the MP at all. Atleast we won't have to be dissapointed by an MP since there simply isnt one :D

Also why I look forward to DB alot, since they ONLY make an MP which means all their effort goes ther :D
Hmm I understand your logic

I hope dirty bomb works.... not holding out too much hope though
Why not just wait for DirtyBomb?
You do realize that Wolfenstein: ET has absolutely NOTHING to do with what made Wolfenstein great right?

Either you are trolling or just incredibly retarded and stubborn..
No? In my opinion its a newer and more obj-based version of the RTCW MP?
Wolfenstein ET was originally ment as a sequel to Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Because of trouble with the singleplayer they released it as free to play multiplayer. However this has nothing to do with the Wolfenstein The New Order. TNO is a sequel in/new part to the Wolfenstein 3D game, Wolf 3D being the actual game that made Wolfenstein franchise what it is.

Don't get me wrong, I'm dissapointed that it won't have MP modes. But the thing that made Wolfenstein great is the singleplayer, and that is what MachineGames is trying to achieve again.
yes i know the history of et... but et is part of what made wolfentein great. ET is related to RTCW MP and RTCW MP and SP made wolfenstein great and steped into the foodprints of wolf3d, morever broke the CS domination in gaming community.
ET made wolfenstein great and popular either.... most of cf-wolfenstein-et-fans started with et.....
It hurts me to having to say it like this, but back when W:ET was released, it was what League of Legends is now... Free...

W:ET has probably little to zero to do with what made Wolfenstein the name it is...
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