Wolfenstein:the new shit NO MP

lol nerds gonna get depressed, seems like another 10years of playing et :<
except ET has no TZAC, no ESL, no active CF etc :(
TZAC is still running, CF is active enough, and what has ESL done for ET in the last 6 months?
running does not mean preventing cheaters to cheat :;D

oh hi
TZAC is a competition anticheat and was never designed to completely and utterly prevent cheaters

its purpose was to eliminate cheating in official clan matches, something of which I'd say it has done a pretty decent job
But not anymore :P
that's debatable

can you name 5 players who are currently cheating in offis on a regular basis? note that I'm not referring to IRC wars or public servers

I honestly can't say I've played vs a cheater in an offi for a long time
you'd be surprised :D

u mirin' bro???
Damn, u are fast.

Couldn't be arsed to even check atm, but there's plenty of those polaks who re outdamaging everyone and it doesn't matter if its offi or just a irc war, point is, that tzac can easily be bypassed and anyone who plays frequently 3on3's can confirm that.
of course it matters, as I said in my previous posts TZAC is for competitive play

true, it may have been bypassed by some random PL players, but an easy solution for that is don't play IRC wars vs players you don't know and don't play on public servers without decent server admins
I can:

Polandridji (busted by tzac must be hacking again:D)
Polandany polak crossing ur mind
Quotecurrently cheating in offis on a regular basis

proof? :P

and remember, there are dozens of players who were banned for cheating on TZAC in the past but have been clean ever since
if i can recall right ridji has been like in every bustlist since fusengate XD

and proofs? No proofs coz tzac cannot into detect!
or no proof because it's not true :P
Well there's just the sidekick, that the coder has gone back to coding cheats. Just a minor problem.
...what? where did you get that from?

and I don't think you know what "sidekick" means
A friend of mine is a cheatcoder, he atleast claimed that chaplja is back coding,
interesting choice in friends
Found out like 1 week ago that he was that. And besides, why judge because of their hobby choices.
Because he has tested his hack/aimbot/name stealing script on public Tzac servers.
He is back into coding, that's a fact.
judging by your profile, I find it hard to believe that you know what you are talking about
WTF is that for a comment, from a 'respected' admin?
Go look to treads/topic I made, if that is possible.
A guy named Zoobybytes (something close to that name), tested his bot on nbs.
I made a demo, and I posted in here.
Sadly, the demo was short in time.
But later we found out, it was chap.

Since you don't care, why would I explain it more to you.
You base your facts on what? My profile?
Bah, admin my ass.

In fact, the sh*t what was posted about chap, I already knew before it was even posted here.
Ask my clanowner, he knows that I said to him, that chapja was getting blackmailed, and that Tzac will go down soon, when there still was talk about Tzac3. DC (most guys will know this one) and some other coders made sure that would happen.
I read your journal:


that quote alone is enough to tell me that you are ridiculously misinformed

so you caught a player cheating on a public server.. how does that prove chaplja is coding cheats? you can say whatever you want, but to claim something and say "that's a fact" is quite a bold statement and requires proof to back it up. chaplja is not the only person in existence capable of coding cheats for ET

you did not already know about chaplja and you do not know everything even now, so don't pretend like you do. you simply heard some rumors and perhaps invented some rumors of your own, some of which happened to be not entirely false. there is a big difference
lol I love how you always selfbust
How I always selfbust, what the fuck are you talking about you little whining piece of shit?
"A friend of mine is a cheatcoder"
Is that the same friend that cheated on your 200 or so account while you used your other 96k tzac account the same day using his name and cheating vs me? or is that another cheat friend? haha pls , cool story bro
I have never cheated vs you, and neither have those I have played with. We rolled you with our normal skill. Those "cheating" friends have been playing this game longer than you and your buttmates combined. And no this "cheatcoder" I have not played with in the last 4 years. So stop finding excuses for how we destroyed you.
lol i am currently playing with a touchpad in a laptop, I honestly dont care if I lose a game or not, doesn´t change the fact that you wh that whole game using a random 96k tzac account while using your hack friend name and 1 week later your other account gets busted and there is all this cool story behind. Also why do u even have 2 tzac accounts, how many new ones do you have since the bust? hehe go away
You seriously have no idea what the hell you are talking about do you now? You have been whining all the time since you lost against me, crying like a little bitch. Must be your .fi genes. I have never been using my "hack friend name" I have been playing with Blue Dragon tzac ID since i created it and dropped the low ID one, simply because low fucks like yourself dont want to play me on my 285 ID account.
so thats the reason you have 2 tzac accounts? Cuz u so skillzor and ppl lows wont play vs u ? ahhahahaha plz try better come on..
Its the truth, but I guess some lowfuck like you doesnt get that, it requires some brain. Which you obviously dont have. And whats wrong with 2 accounts anyway?
I see you are srsly mad over this, I think you are hilarious, you call me lowfuck and you call yourself so skilled that you need a second tzac account cuz people will get scared of your massive skill, yet you search low+ wars and want to play vs low players , so I dont rlly get it. People who usually have 2 or more accounts are just cheaters, also you were using his name with a 96k tzac account then your account gets busted 2 days after then you said it was your cheater friend and you didnt know he was gonna cheat in your account, ye pls..I mean cool story but I dont buy it..
your logic is kinda fuked up tbh
I have THE tzac admin on my side, and several CB admins who can check who it was, and they aswell stated is was not me. So again, you have no clue you brainless idiot. And ofcourse I search low+ war when I play with people who haven't played ET for 3 years.
well I know cb admins said it was him cheating and not you, I still know you were wh that game vs me with your 96k tzac and your cheating mates, now you tell me you didnt know your cheating mate was gonna cheat on your 285? account , i say cool story. Your reason for having 2 tzac account is also stupid, "because people get scared of my skill" hahaha I mean, whoever buys this stupid story of you has no brain. You cheating with 96k account using your cheating friends´ name and 2 days after he gets busted using your account...you mention you know chaplka is selling cheats cuz your friend is a coder and you also say you play low+ wars cuz you friends didnt play for 3 years (same coder who didnt play for 4 years?) , I mean you might be an "old" player and have friends that buy your shitty story but I aint one , sry I will keep telling you : cool story you made up, now stfu?
As I said, you know nothing torM snow. You are rambling so much bullshit right now its just hilarious. I will make you have peace for once and for all.

Ofcourse I did not expect NetherlandsAllir to cheat on my 285 account, but he did, and there is nothing I can change about that. I know which bot/wh he used, and I can tell you already now, that if I would have been using WH on my 96k tzac acc, I would have been insta banned aswell. Just because I played on a higher tzac ID doesn't mean I am cheating, yes I have played with cheats, but those are detected, and I've used them WITHOUT tzac. And no, my "cheatcoder" friend is not Netherlands who was the person who cheated on my account. Now go sleep boy, you got rolled by my "normal" skill, so stop crying like a little bitch already.
oh ye there is no people currently playing with 90k+ tzac and wh and aimbotting without any problem, right you would be -insta banned- with tzac, dont make me laugh. And again I AM not buying your shit story, what did you expect your friend Allir to do with your account eh? Plz get it, I barelly called 2 or 3 players cheaters in the past 5 years and they all happen to be busted, I also dont buy your shit story, because I played vs you and you were wh , is not that hard to spot a bad player with a wh. Also the fact that you were using his name under your 96k account and 2 days later HE gets busted on your normal account is just hilarious and just because you tell me this stupid story you keep repeating doesn´t mean I will believe it, you were whing , your friends got busted, too bad tzac wont do anything else these days but oh well.
Lovely how you are such a stubborn idiot. I have never used "His" name under my 96k tzac ID. I have always used Koekjes, dommeltje or blue dragon or something like that. And why the fuck would I be whing, just because I know all the common spots and preshoot on those?! He had been using my 285 account for 1 week already, so derp.
you told me that you were using your friends name in the irc conversation we had after I called you a wh and kicked you out my server , remember? You also said you were very skilled and if you used your real account 285 no one would play vs you because you are so great. 2 days later that account gets busted. And pls dont ask me why would u be whing, you know all the spots oh man...are you kidding me with this stupid nonsense? Like I dont. So he used your account for 1 week? And what was the purpose of that? Why didnt he use his account? Why did you randomly make a 96k tzac account and let some1 else use yours.. pls come up with something better than "I am uber skilled no1 would play me with that account" >> I hope you see how stupid that looks.
Sad that you are so ignorant. But hey, its always funny to see some random boy whine is ass off because he got rolled by a high tzac ID. And my friends name is NetherlandsAllir, and I have _never_ used his name on ET nor claimed to do so. He could not use his old account because he couldn't login in under any circumstances, and since I wanted to play with him, I let him use my 285 account since I wasn't using it anymore anyway.

ps: I have no clue why I am trying to defend myself against some braindead retard who cant comprehend things at all. Its like talking to a wall.
Oh ye sorry for being ignorant on how you and your cheating friends do stuff...am sry man, respects.
I see you keep insulting me and shit and its ok I dont rlly care, just as I am a random for you, you a total random for me. Your poor friends couldt login on his account but he could on yours? OH OK.
Why didnt you borrow him your 96k tzac account? You dont seem to get it moron, you tell me you made that new account because you are super skilled and people wont play you and I say that is retarded and bullshit , you created it to cheat. If you wanted to play with him , he could have simply create a new account himself, yet you were so kind to let him use yours and he decided to cheat on it, yee man seems legit, your friend that wanted to play with you just decided , hey lets fuck my friend domi a bit and cheat on his account and get him busted.,.. Are you seriously that stupid that you think I buy this retarded story?? I mean come on,....try better
I really couldn't give a fuck anymore if you believe it or not. You can't do shit anyway.
and what makes you think I wanna do shit? The only thing I will do is call your story stupid because it is stupid. See how I asked you 2 simple questions and you suddenly make no sense?
You have not asked me 2 simple questions, you have been constantly saying I have been using wh, and that I am cheater. No questions involved.
Ok maybe you missed them because you are so mad, here the go (copy pasted from above where you say I didnt ask a question...moron):
-Your poor friend couldnt login on his account but he could on yours?
-Why didnt you borrow him your 96k tzac account?
- Why do you even have 2 tzac accounts?
-So he used your account for 1 week? And what was the purpose of that?

And here I repeat this one for thr 10th time...:
Are you honestly telling me you created a 96k tzac account because you are so damn good uberskilled and people wont play you otherwise, and you expect anyone to believe that shit xd???
Ohh, those are questios you really want an answer on. And its you whose mad, you have been crying for months now that I am cheating.

-Yes, he couldn't login to his own, he hadn't used it for years.
-Because I was using the 96k tzac ID, and since dual accounts is not allowed I kept using the 96k tzac since else I would get banned for double accounts.

-Because I got tired of people whining, just like you, thats why I created a 2nd tzac.

-And apparently the tzac admins find me trustworthy enough, apart from the fact that they actually know me for several years and know I dont need to cheat.

Now let it go madboy, I am not a cheater.
-If he couldnt login why didnt he just create a new one.(He was going to cheat anyways so why fuck you up?)
-You make no sense at all. You think people prefer to play vs a 96k tzac than a 285 account , you are really dumb man.
-Cool story, I know you can´t come with anything better than "I created a 2nd account because of lows like you because I am so known and skilled that they wont play vs me" .....I mean seriously who is that dumb to believe that shit.
-Just because you have in your mind a known past and a name doesnt mean I will go suck your dick and say ohh poor domi the friend you randomly let use your tzac account decided to fuck you and cheat on it.... hahah your excuse is so random and stupid that I cant believe people buy it. Maybe is because as you mention they know you for several years and didn´t wanna lose a friend.
I knew that day I was being whed by you , I called you a cheater before your cb ban just after I kicked you. I am also not mad, I am just replying the same as you are, so with that logic you are dead mad.
All those answers you made no sense, wanna know why?
Because you told me you wanted to play with your friend, he couldnt login to his account so you just let him use yours , when he could have created one ofc, just to cheat and fuck with you?
That is so stupid you cant expect any1 to believe that shit. You are surounded by coders and cheaters, you created a 2nd account and the reason behind it is so stupid. I give a fuck that other people will suck your dick over this ahaha I know you wh that game vs me thats why I kicked you, probably the 3rd player I ever whined to in 5 years and seeing that tzac nowdays is not working and you have this 96k account and your whole story is so damn stupid and makes no sense that I KNOW you are a cheater, and guess what , if people didnt want to play vs you mr uber skiller known "domi" , you think they will want now? haha give me a break you are so stupid.
Wow, so much ranting when you are not mad ":D". The busted IP is from NL, my IP is norwegian. kinda a deal closer there isn't. I did not cheat against you, you can get my demo's if you want if you claim I have been using wh against, goodluck with that. Cheatbusters have tried, they failed. You are the stupid one, just because I let someone else use my tzac immediately means I am retarded (Even a tzac I had not been using anymore). As I said earlier, its pointless trying to argue with you. You are like a christian, its pointless trying to argue with them about god aswell.
lol I heard enough stupid excuses to know that you are lying , you make no sense everytime you say smth and then you compare me with something irrelevant just to probably make yourself feel good? OH YOU are finish thats why u stupid, oh you are christian...OHH. Pls man its kinda obvious you and your cheating friend that you missed so much wanted to play and cheat togheter, I dont find it a big deal but quit saying stupid shit and moronic excuses, bibuy!
And why are you treating tzac ID like it's some god's signature. Its funny with those newschoolers its like, OMGAWD HIGH TZAC ID YOU CHEAT.
what the hell are you talking about? How is calling a high tzac id being newschool? Wow man you better get that ego and "oldschool" shit off your head . The fact is that high tzac ids mean most likely 3 things: 1) You are a very very new player coming from another mod. 2)You got 1 account busted and created another one to keep playing (for example nbs players) 3) You created a 2nd account to cheat. Now if you think people prefer to play vs 1000 tzac id than a low tzac id you are just retarded.
oh here you selfbust so much that I really believe you have some brain problem:
13 Apr 2013, 13:57
Not really suprised that there are tzac proof hacks.
You have such a retarded behaviour, its even worse than those people who were crying I was cheating back in 2008'ish. Just because I am not suprised there are TZAC proof hacks, means that I am cheating. God you are retarded, its like talking to miNd, sample, ensam #2.
So I have a retarded behaviour? Oh ok..
I am also not crying shit you don´t get it? I am laughing at you and your stupid stories you make. I accuse you of wh first time I ever heard of you to be honest and 2 days after you gave me your tzac account to "check it" it was busted, please see how hilarious you are.
Not my fault you are new to ET this year, if you would have followed to the scene _JUST_ one tiny bit in 2008-2010 you would've seen my name come by atleast once. And my stupid stories? They are just stupid because your brain doesnt understand them, your brain is like "omgawd ,cheater no matter what omg omg " now go fuck yourself you little shit. You are getting annoying.
lol I played etpro since 2005. I certainly followed the et-scene in 2008-2010. I honestly not kidding never seen your name and I also dont give a fuck about who you are. I have played vs rlly good players and never whined but you aint one, for me you are just a random low with a wh , a 96k tzac and a cool story behind.
Thanks, i'll take that as a compliment that I still got it inside of me =) Haven't lost the touch that people call me a cheater.
I called you random low with wh and 96k tzac account. I am glad you take it as a compliment. <x)
Can't really take it offense when people dont know any better.
ok random low with wh getting busted in 2013, if you say so.
Random low, whose been playing in NC for 4+ years, been a captain. Played EC. Poor fintard, you are so much alike ensam and sample, so retarded. And I think you need to read my CB ban once again, it says abuse of tzac account, not cheating you mongrol.
I tought you said you took it as a compliment hehehe but now you are mad and you telling me you bio as if I give a fuck who you are. Again, you a random low with wh gettin busted in 2013 with a cool story behind. I dont care what your cb bans says, as I accused you just when you played vs me , never before. 2 days after I was just laughin about you and the irc conversation we had were you said "I am so skilled i am domi and if I play with my real tzac people dont play vs me because i am so damn good" and if you think about it its bad logic.....why would anyone prefer to play vs 96k tzac rather than a known and skilled played with a 285 tzac like yours man? You the captain you skilled , you known, why would anyone play vs a random tzac rather than a good player with a good reputation? Pls go again to sleep and think about a better one this time. And I am not even "fintard" not sure where you get that from or why is it even relevant where I come from. >But if I were from finland which I am not, have nothing to do with this and your stereotypical insults are rlly bad , its like saying "fucking polak i hate you, go die" , what are you 12 or smth?
TZAC is a joke, CF is a joke.. but on the bright side, CB has some really decent admins (including yourself and t4mj)
see above - TZAC has pretty much successfully prevented cheaters from playing offis and also still serves as a way of identifying players as well as detecting basic cheats. it's much better than PB and certainly better than not having an anticheat at all

how is CF a joke? what can be done to improve it? the website is not as active as it used to be because ET is not as active as it used to be
Was way more active before the update!
perhaps, but not much can be done about that now :P
the problem with CF started before the old CF was replaced with 4.0, it started to lack organization. before we had tosspot, evan and probably dozens of others who i can't remember who made content, then we had sol and other good mods.. then activity dropped naturally, but CF was still somewhat alive, then tosspot stopped giving a shit and that kinda spread to the mods not doing shit, then CF became even less active. then CF 4.0 came, and now RIP :(

edit: what I meant about TZAC being useless is that sure it's been bypassed for couple of years now I suppose, but if you have time you can easily bypass TZAC now that the sourcecode is released (where you can clearly see the detection methods TZAC uses). it's probably as useless as PB without PBSS at this point
well that may be somewhat true, but we can't change what happened in the past.. and it doesn't help much when certain players spam the website with comments such as "lol nerds still playing ET in 2013", etc. any suggestions on how to improve CF at this point? :P

TZAC will never be as useless as PB! the part of the source code that was released doesn't even contain anything useful for coders, especially not any detection methods
only thing CF needs is more sol but more importantly more activity, and the latter may be hard to achieve..

I thought the released TZAC source code showed in detail what methods are used to detect cheats
both of those are rather hard to achieve :P and nah, I don't think chaplja will ever release that information
dont say shit about admining, what did you do for the entire community since you're playing ? you know nothing about admining ladders - cup - tournament - players - teams - cheaters and more.
You spend hours to play we spend hours to solve case
You really need to take lessons in understanding what someone writes.
dont be silly, just giving opinion about the whole team work from ET crew ( including me and the others )
apperciate that! :)
like Domi said, you should really learn English better. I actually praised CB, saying it's the only good thing ET has left. Of course my attitude may change if you're continuing your senseless flame based on lack of language skills..

edit: oh and I adminned cups before you even knew what ET was :s
this is not flamming, just giving opinion about the whole team work from ET crew - you and me, we knows that we always do our best for players. must say " poeple always saying shit about our work because they didnt apply for it " and thx to you
Quotedont say shit about admining, what did you do for the entire community since you're playing

that's definitely flaming, and the worst part is how you didn't understand that I didn't say anything bad about CB at all.
knowing English should be a requirement for CB admins imo. :p
it was not toward you, even i write it as it, my bad and honestly it was said to all who didnt rly know what we do. i agree that i didnt read your comment till the end - sorry If I offended you
Good news!
Then fucking call it Call of Duty - Dog Hunters, burn them all. Every Wolf game had multi (Maybe the original didnt), B. J. should re-decorate some faces...
better this than another failed attempt
So they're just going to try and milk people with shitty single player DLC missions. I wonder how many add-ons this game will have.
fucking moron
who is "they"? you must be paranoid to just assume that "they" are after you and your money.
Someone picked up the Wolfenstein IP cause Splashdamage dropped it. They are making a new game with a different focus and it has absoutely nothing to do with what you know as Wolfenstein. If you dont enjoy SP then dont buy the game just because it says "Wolfenstein".
You are an ignorant fuck and uninformed mongrels like yourself are the reason we will never see a game quite like ET again.

How come noone on this bloody site has any concept of IP (intellectual property)?
You keep on talking but missing the point by fucking miles.
"who is "they"? you must be paranoid to just assume that "they" are after you and your money."

I agree, they aren't interested in our money at all.
there is no general "they".
people on here dont understand the concept of intellectual property.
only because there has been a wolfenstein once doesnt mean that the same people (aka "they") are behind it now.
"they only want my money" is a generalized statement that poor people make cause they dont understand the underlying concepts.
I didn't say you were wrong, I just found that particular sentence .. funny ;)
Oh jij ;) ;)
cry me a river
skyrim fps version ?
different IP.
different dev.
different publisher.

srsly how can this be the only AAA name that you know?
Ive read a lot of bullshit regarding the new Wolfenstein but that analogy really is up there with the worst of the lot.
ho hell another shit's cUming, no multiplayer so its clear now, i'll spend my 50 € for another game
This game is not developed by Bethesda Game Studios. Bethesda Softworks will publish this game, since Zenimax acquired ID Software back in 2009.
MachineGames is currently developing this game but both of them belongs to same parent company ZeniMax Media.
Pretty bold move to give this kind of a project to new and inexperienced company...
Wolfenstein IP is worth about a tenner after the latest releases.
They have nothing to lose with it.
Hand it off to a smaller studio, cut out the MP part which was the big problem with latest game, try and make a decent SP story and experience.
Sounds like a solid plan.
warcraft fps version ?
no, fifa football
storyline seems crazy, gonna try this when it's out
Robots and high tech. in 1960s and whole game without MP ?

nah, cba to waste time playing it
have you ever even played Rtcw SP ?
Obviously did, it was more interesting for me, since i was like really small/young when i played it..

these games are like Über Soldier, boring..
video at the end : 13:37 min

Expected, back to FIFA!
can u plz go to machinegames and tell them to stop that bullshit..
can't wait, single player always great, hehe :D
HI, My name is cRackeR and i would like to return too ET, can some1 hook me up with those undetectable cheats ? tnx in advance
good thing is that the MP wont be horrible image: Kappa
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