Phil Ivey cheating scandal

image: Phil-Ivey-061509L_2
This is like the Armstrong doping scandal of poker.

Phil Ivey, who is considered one of the world's best poker players, has sued Crockfords Casino, which by the way is the oldest casino in the UK. He is considered the best "cash player" in the Poker world, he has won several WSOP bracelets, big tournaments and he is also one of the most winning players in high stakes poker, yet Crockfords casino thinks he somehow cheated them. He is the image for the online casino Fulltiltpoker. He has won everything there is to win at professional poker. He is also one of my favourite players x)

He basically went one night to that casino, was playing Punto Banco with 50.000 stakes , lost about 500.000 and asked permission to raise the stakes to 150.000 (Pounds), which they agreed to do. He recovered his lost money and ended the night with 2 million Pounds in earnings. Next night he came back and won 5 more million, he asked them to wire transfer the money to his account and they said it was a bank holiday in the UK so to would transfer it next monday.
They didnt do that ofc, opened an investigation , sent ppl from Malasya to check the cards, chips, table,employees,etc-- --> They say the casino suspected not because of him but because of his asian female friend who is banned from one of their casinos for possibly being a known cheater. But those are speculations from the media so far. The casino won´t speak to anyone but the court and Ivey is doing the same.

It will be interesting to see how this case unfolds because that casino has a huge reputation but Ivey´s reputation is huge so whoever loses will go down big. Also such a big casino not paying such a huge respected player his earning expose them to a lot of bad press and when they loose they will have to pay the £7.2 million + the costs of Ivey´s lawyers and court fees. I personally think the casino has nothing on him and they will just ruin whatever reputation they got left for not paying the man his moneyz.

What do you think?

Btw this happened in August 2012 but the case should be clearing up this month or the next one according to what I heard in London.

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Here more details from UK media:

Ivey, known as 'the Tiger Woods of Poker', claims that London's oldest gambling club owes him close to he won playing the casino game Punto Banco, a variant of Baccarat.

Crockfords, owned by the Malaysian Genting Group, is allegedly withholding money won by Ivey during a private gaming session of Punto Banco, when he visited the club in August last year.

Ivey is a seasoned card game player and has been recorded to be the world's sixth highest earner in Punto Banco tournaments, amassing a £9 million fortune in payouts from this game alone.
Phil "Saddened" by Crockfords Lawsuit

Phil Ivey has stated that while he is "saddened" to have had to reach the point of filing a lawsuit against the prestigious London casino, he was left with no other choice.

"Over the years, I have won and lost substantial sums at Crockfords and I have always honoured my commitments," he said in a statement.

"At the time, I was given a receipt for my winnings, but Crockfords subsequently withheld payment. I therefore feel I have no alternative but to take legal action."

Ivey's lawyer, Matthew Dowd added: "It is with great regret that Phil has been forced to issue court proceedings against Crockfords to secure payment of his winnings."

During a visit to the casino last year with his female companion, Ivey hit a winning streak at the game and over a two day period amassed winnings of over £7.3 million.

However, when he asked for his payout, the casino refused to hand over the money and instead opened an internal investigation.

Genting flew investigators from Kuala Lampur to review surveillance video footage, examine the cards used and interview staff and croupiers

The move was criticised in light of the fact that Punto Banco is a pure game of chance with virtually no way of being 'fixed'.
Genting Comments on Phil Ivey Case

As Phil Ivey sues Crockfords, a spokesman for Genting said that while comments were not usually made regarding individual members, an exception had been made in this case.

"In this rare instance we are able to confirm that our position, which is supported by strong legal advice, has been made very clear to Mr Ivey's solicitors from the start. We shall be filing our defence shortly."

so the only "proof" they have is that his friend was an ex-cheater?
yes. like in ET some polaks making comeback (ex-cheater) and playing some "known" players and winning matches
except Ivey never cheated, so that analogy isn't entirely correct
Some ET player has a girflfriend that was cheating and is banned from TZ-AC, now all are suspecting that ET player is cheating since he is polak and gf cheated.
Stating polak just as a case, dont have IP match or TZ-AC match so far. might be proxy.
there are definitely cheaters in ET on TZAC.. point is there are probably less than before, a lot less randoms cheating and a little less of the top scene cheating.

being friends with cheaters doesn't automatically make you a cheater though, very few of my e-buddies have ever cheated despite my history. I'm friends with lots of ex-cheaters too, that hasn't made me cheat. :)
I was correcting metsuri example
Ofc he cheats, he is polak :DD and doesn't have gf btw
forgot to write "with" between playing "with" some known players. dunno if that sentence gets any better with it :P?
I understand what you mean :)
yes, as I mentioned that is so far pure speculation because nor the casino or Ivey have commented in public. But it is virtually impossible to cheat in Punto Banco as you don´t even touch the cards. Also there was a manager with them while he played and 10 cameras recording everything.

An ongoing investigation

The managers of the casino were so sceptical about the result that they launched an investigation. In particular, the investigators are looking into the role of Phil Ivey's friend, who was with him at all times. In fact, she had been expelled from a casino before. So far, no evidence has been found against the poker champion. Surveillance cameras have not recorded anything suspicious and there does not seem to be any anomaly with the card dispenser.

A case that will damage one of the two parties

Phil Ivey has not made any comments on the case yet, even though it seems quite clear that he is not delighted by the fact that the story became public. As far as Crockfords is concerned, the private casino will have to quickly provide real evidence that supports its accusations. Otherwise, it will have to pay Phil Ivey and suffer the consequences of this bad publicity.
3 am journal no wonder why you dont fuck any girl down there freaking nerd
Punto Blanco is seriously a game in which noone but the bank can earn big money, so I doubt Ivey won this by just playing
Read the odds and rules, why can't you win big money there, please elaborate.
I can't find any link, I just assumed he won lots of money by playing poker.. Care to TL;DR Punto Blanco?
The players have to set bets before they even see their cards, the dealer deals 2 to everyone which are visible to everyone, then they have to bet again if they think their combination will be closest to 9 (the cards have different values of points) after the 3rd card is dealt
It is basically baccarat.
Sorry but that is totaly false. Saying that you can´t earn money playing Punto banco is like saying there is no odds in this game and if that was true IT wouldn´t be a casino game at all lol and not to mention that Punto Banco is the favoured game of high-rollers, exactly because of the high stakes involved and the fact that they can win a lot of money in a short period of time, as Ivey did.

-The result is determined as soon as the cards are dealt , yes but– it offers better odds than games such as roulette for example.
Gut busted him like i did so many cheaters in ET. This casino knows how to roll.
KRP knew all along that he was a filthy fucking cheater
Dude when I read the title I thought Phi Ivey had cheated x) I mean... Phil Ivey..
Of course I think he will ruin the casino.. I mean he sure can afford a very very good lawyer if you know what i mean.
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