Bratislava / Budapest info

Hello people

this year's summer goal is Hungary Budapest. If you ever been to this city, please share your opinion, places to visit, places to sleep (most wanted atm). If you live in Budapest and could spend some time answering few questions, would be cool too :)

Also, during the trip. we'll shortly visit Bratislava, so the same requests :)

image: Summer-Girls-3
Bratislava,not worthy spending money...
We'll be there just one day, since we'll arrive @ Bratislava @ 20 after 12 hrs of travel. We want to have a decent rest, spend half of a day visiting the most interesting places and then move to Budapest.
Are you from Poland or it is fake flag?

What is your "route" to Budapest? (like what cities are you going through)
Yes, I'm from Poland. Torun -> Katowice. Katowice - > Bratislava. Bratislava -> Budapest, that's how it will look like.
Beckett's Irish Pub

best place for planning the night is frenk derek ter, its like center downtown

im used to mediterranean food so anything outside portugal spain italy france, is crap

there is a huge mall(divided in 2 parts) where you can visit a nice part of buda(buda-pest)

in pest there is only the top of the hill(pest) and a big statue, top of hill is worth to go by foot(wear sneakers to it)

dont fall on river, currents will kill you, bridges there are awesome

dat parlament

there is a long avenue(Andrassy ut) full with almost every country embassies, has awesome old subway worth walking completly from hosok tere to the river

be ware of gipsies, all times

I rly liked Budapest, very nice city to spend time. You will need ~6 hours to see most of interesting things in Bratislava ;D
That's what I expect from Bratislava :P Anyway, mind sharing some info?
We used to go in Budapest nearly every summer when i was younger. All i remember that everything was lots cheaper than back home and food was good. Can't really tell where to go, but if you just want to chill, sunbath etc there is this island between puda and best for it.
Homer best admin et eva <3

good rides bra.
there's some mob island in the middle of it, visit it and never come back.
polish people are so boring, everyone goes to budapest, bratislava, prague or croatia. try to be more creative, zomg
What's so bad about Prague?
where i said its bad
co tam low? karasz w sc lowow jeszcze?:P ja sie przeprowadzilem od dziadka i mam chujowego neta, wiec juz nie gram praktycznie w nic:(
no nie pierdol, musialbys sie chyba do lamka przeprowadzic zeby neta miec chujowego. Cos karam ale kurwa juz nie ten skill, trzeba myslec o przejsciu powoli na cos innego (HONIK?!)
XD no moze nie jest jakos uber chujowy ale lekko laguje i to juz wystarcza, zeby mnie wkurwiac:P w honika nie powiem chetnie bym pokaral ale nie wiem czy jeszcze moje konto dziala (chociaz pewnie dziala:P). no ale Ty to juz na irca w ogole nie wchodzisz
Lake Feneketlen
Deák (Square)
Kopaszi gát
Lánchíd and Liberty brdige, Margit híd are good aswell, Margitsziget (that Island @ the bridge...)

... or just hop on the trolley (Number 6, Móricz Zs. körtér to Moszkva/Széll Kálmán tér) and get out when you see something nice.


Instant, Park are not bad, you could check Rio aswell. Rio is more like that elegant style full of fags, but who cares.
e: You could try Doboz aswell. Doboz and Instant are always free to enter.

I am not sure, but after 23 or 22 you cant buy alcohol in shops. Sometimes they sell, but its not legal so make it sure you have enough.

Gipsies everywhere... you better leave them alone, because while you wink one they get +20 fags so they are able to fight you and probably they wont do it with fist, but knifes :) Just stay in the central districts, they are ok.

Móricz Zs. körtér - Vikinger (gyros/hamburger)
West End - Fridays (expensive!)
or hop on the 6 trolley again and search for a good looking restaurant, there are many nice one with low $ and good taste.

I dont rly know, check google: Budapest Hostels
e: Morrisons 1 - mega shit, Morrisons 2 - smaller mega shit, rest of the Morrisons - JUST NO
gypsies everywhere, knifes so cheap and yet you're alive :c

i think reality trained you well in terms of avoiding danger
You know I dont leave my friend and they neither leave me in trouble, but we are not idiots to accept a fight with those guys who duplicate their number in two minutes and come with knifes. Sometimes you cant choose though
orginize a rl fight gypsies vs et players - and i am in
Thanks for your reply :) What places (streets or smth) are considered to be dangerous and which places to avoid?
District 8, 10,13, Ujpest
Blaha Lujza square is full of people all day long, watch your pocket and bag!
If you are going to party just stick to the known, popular clubs... I mentioned some, most of the people are nice there and ofcourse full of ladies =D!

Instant is very inernational, people from all around the world
e: If you want to check the city from the hill at night you should also stay on the streets, then you wont meet bastards.
Aight, thanks very much :). We'll most likely go to salsa clubs :P I found Szilvuple at O u. 33, Budapest VI., Cream Café at Dohány u. 28, Budapest VII and Alcatraz at Alcatraz Nyár u. 1, Budapest VII.

Gonna have a seat and creeate a plan for the trip soon. Expect some more questions :P
catch me on irc #alpenbog or somewhere else, next week is very busy but @ weekend i can help, maybe even meet in budapest if you need a native et player

and bring that girl from above.
Excitement: LAN
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