anyone playing it?!

I have 3 squads but i tend to just use this one these days.

used the 4-4-2 formation cause i'm a cheap bastard.

show me your ultimate team! if no one plays it then you all suck! ;D
Nah man, you just cant be serious
you pulling my leg koop? ;)
ofc! my most used teams:

image: Oa4gMqN
liking the columbian squad :)
ty, colombians are just straight up nasty this year :D
pace, strength & dribbling, they've got it all.

barely been using them as of late though, all about the silvers for me
got a in-form muriel card the other day from a gold pack. instantly sold it though haha

but i gotta say i hate the pace of a silver squad, dunno why but it drives me insane sometimes
No Wacker Innsbruck players no win, btw striker in defense, dafuq
we have almost the same norwegian team :P
Canadians arent supposed to like soccer :O
fuck off and die in your cave with soccer
hate how north america calls it soccer xD we are retarded

p.s. these guys don't realize you're saying soccer because im canadian lol. don't waste your time on them :)
:-D I never do!
yeh loelo bobiak said fuck of and die in ur soccer with /D
Some teams im kicking butt with!

image: CuX7xP3
image: UF5SOQJ
image: ePMJd2G
image: r7Iwr0x
all these squads are your finished product? or still working on some?
These are finished and ass kicking! :D
nice team rossko i cant wait till fifa 14:D

u wot meit
though in the allsvenskan team I use Turina always, not Nordfeldt
Boy oh boy, alot of coins in that squad innit?

Im playing it aswell, just not atm cuz Im in Malta for 3 months :{ Got an almost all-german squad, best price/quality imo and I got some really good Germans in some packs :p I have given all of my players the 451 formation card and shit like that. I roll pretty hard with this team, Schürrle is fucking amazing, so is Podolski and Farfan. Needed some time getting used to Reus but he's great aswell. Klose as a striker is nice aswell, just cross everything, he's a great header.

image: pitch-3111714
schurrle is beast! trying to get him in-form :)

love this squad btw, might just have to copy ya ;)
Thanks ^^, only wished there was a better LB, but Schurrle has a pretty high def rate. No in-forms tho, 2 expensive.. Only thing I really want but probably wont get is Robben as RM and Neuer instead of Adler. Too much coins to, I always waste m on packs xd
you ever get any good players out of the packs? think my best was in-form muriel and ozil lol
No lol. Best players were Klose and somewhere around that level. Never had an in-form or anything :(
nice squad, you must be playing a lot to gain so many coins. :) currently trying to build up some italien team! got another bundesliga and premier league team also
I had an IT team aswell, sold it for some reason :p PL team is pretty expensive, I had one because I got Wilshire and Chicarito in a pack, but sold them all, with profit :P Bought Lahm with those moneyz
i love playing with juventus that's why i'm trying to get as many italian juve players as possible into my team ;) and PL team can be expensive, true, but im trying not to waste too much money on one player since i need to play soooo much just for one ... :p for example bent and cisse are my strikers and theyre fucking awesome and kinda cheap
well my brotha rockstar helped me out in the beggining haha gave me about 20k to help me get going ;D
yea I would take 20k aswell ;) still, impressive squad. how do you gain your coins? just playing online-league matches? or trying to make profit by trading? im always around 10k coins or so!
i would merchant and play the tourneys. barely play online haha i find it frustrating at times and i end up walking away from my xbox haha
haha well i dont like playing vs computer, need to face real ppl ;)
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