Hope I got everybody's attention !

Just wanted to share with everyone that today is Netherlands Jelle - this old guy from ET that still is a active player, only difference is that we are owning in the field of justice in LoL instead!

Somebody knows him Grizzlybeer, grizz, gr1zz and dominick deccoco !
Anyway I know him as the best mid laner ever ! <3 BROMANCE <3

Happy Birthday mr. Jelle ! 22 years, so old but still so ownage <3 Lets play some crazy ranked games!

For those of you that want to, I'll put up the stream on twitch so you can watch his ownage playz. I promise no KS today against him!

Link to stream: http://www.twitch.tv/retsev_zehpro
There will be music and shit aswell !

image: nigga-stole-my-job-o-882256
Gratz my lovely nigga <3
Thanks bro

image: 1814660
Magnub would roll this mongol @ mid lane, anyday.
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