CB logic





CB. New leadership, same old shit.

#LMP won't have anything in common with such league, gl to other OC prem teams (go win it supski)

too long; will read version:
bF doesn't show up so noshow entered, then good guys archers or w/e decide they can play it next day and take Pius, while bF takes sick mercs (ba dum tss). game was played, against the odds archers won, but since they had disallowed players ohuradmin decided, that to avoid whine he will pretend game did not happen ergo no consequences for twidi, toxic and pius on archers side who could go back to OC 2nd npnp.
The match result is shown as a forfeit so you can see it as ''not-played'' which makes whoever that Polak is eligible to play.

Butthurt much.
Then they decided to play it and since many mercs were used ohurcool decided it's better to leave it as noshow because too many red cards and shit would be given aka I'm an admin and teams might whine, so I should make bad decision so they stop whine. group shift all over again
Well so the match got cancelled for good reason then? If it was cancelled after this one was played it would be different matter.
Still was played and actual decision to "not let it count" was made after it was actually played.
Admin has the right to cancel a match according to rules/requirements, that it was played is not of any importance in this matter. It would have been stranger if the match didn't get cancelled.

Disagree with the rules all you like it's just how it is.
Proper outcome should be both teams being punished tbh :x rules are rules
They decided to play AFTER the score was entered on CB, therefor Pius is allowed to play for whoever the fuck he wants, now shut the fuck up and go kill yourself. Jesus christ.
01:49 @ohurcool • I'm always right
After owning you in 6o6 offi u went and cried to ohurcool to give you forfeit, so we wasted 1 hour of our lives rolling your shit team.
You have the guts to come here and complain? go fuck yourself ugly creature
Actually player of my team pm'd him before game and you told us to go and grab forfeit. Stop blaming me for your mistakes :x
LMP didn't deserve play-offs, so shouldnt launch the bs tornado and be happy for being in the ?luckiest team of OC: Prem.

I am cless tho
[23:52:20] <edrraK> i will be back on thursday
[23:52:36] <edrraK> but gonna play with my soulmate logic if we wont find 6th
[23:53:04] <edrraK> or maybe get some polaks and i quit, i dont like this team since yesterday
[23:53:05] <edrraK> = D
I quit
Thanks for play
<3 u deserve some hardcore bj
I lend it to hairy Robert, maybe this will free him from his fustration and his attitude will change.
make a team with Xanah and naga

ps. niezla pora 8)
I know exactly something about CB logic -> not suprised.
shut up kuba kawalec
As far as i got it, the game was only for viewers, it was already before the match known that bF lost due to using to many mercs which weren't allowed.
all 7 of them? and it wasn't known before the game
It was known, if u would knew the players who were in roster, i.e PlAyer wasn't allowed to play first 3 match weeks, otherwise he would play with us, so from that u can already consume that the game would be canceled, not to mention there were other players that were disallowed from bF side, which was the reason that the game got canceled at first place.
oh man robert, dude! what happened? what happened? cannot believe this!
I know right?

btw sup? <3
im good. sup with you?
The usual :D you hanging around anywhere on IRC?
nope. not installed. sometimes i join #crossfire with http://webchat.quakenet.org/ for the lulz but thats all. got most of the old buddys @facebook so no need for irc if i am not active in any way anyway.
That's a shame :<
So a match with disallowed players is cancelled? Like its been in CB since 2003? Why is this a journal?
It wasn't cancelled. It went into "move along, nothing to see here" category.
well there's really nothing to see is there?
Well actually there is, since it shouldn't be moved there :x
are u on crack
ohurcool is always right
Understand if this decision was made before the game started, however if you are mad at ClanBase go cry at ClanBase forums... These CB rage journals always come here but what is the point?

Only reactions you get are in 'You mad?!' category?
Who reads CB forums? ohurcool only. and who already made his decision because teams might whine? ohurcool
Point is that there is no use in posting it here either.. and here you are annoying more people with it than on CB forums :)
image: clownbase
issue as old as internet
Looks like standard Robert journal to me!
Go and play at ESL, always the whine and yet you keep playing at CB.
ESL no longer supports ET
I see what you did there.
ty naprawde masz cos z glowa
on ma z glowa wszystko ok, ale w zyciu nie ma co robic ;D
dlaczego? mad bo akurat Pius gra przy okazji w cweloskill? bardziej mnie interesuje czemu Pius tam może mercować, po czym grać spokojnie w OC, a taki fikser już nie może po 1 grze z :h
stary rozumiem jakby w takim razie fixer tu o tym pisał a tak to wtf łots wrong łyf ju :O
poza tym jak juz maja kasowac jakis mecz to ten z ec :d
fixer jest od robienia skrinów, ja jestem od dyskusji. podział obowiązków kluczem do sprawnego marudzenia + jak patrzę na CB to wychodzi na to, że ja teamem zarządzam więc ja się pytam z jakiej racji gracz A może, a gracz B nie może, w sytuacji gdy gracz B jest moim graczem
mecz byl anulowany, na gtv nie poszedl cancel podczas meczu dla fanu bysmy zagrali, ale na stronie CB widnieje 1:0 dla archers, kumasz? MECZU NIE BYŁO, to na GTV to był tylko 4fun mecz, tak wyjasnil Ci ten admin, ale jezeli nie rozumiesz to teraz powinienes zrozumiec o co chodzi.
To że 4fun to zdecydował W TRAKCIE meczu, nie przed, tyle czasu zajęło mu wykminienie co z tym zrobić, uznał, że nie zrobi nic, bo tak wygodniej.
albo w trakcie meczu zorientowal sie, ze tylu mercow bedzie :) w kazdym razie ciesze sie ze rozumiesz juz i tyle :) mecz anulowany byl bo za duzo mercow, meczu w EC nie rozegralem w tym sezonie, dziekuje i powodzenia Ci zycze w e-karierze.
Pretend it's a show match.

image: 4VEyTFw
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