How loud?

Yo cf'itizens, I was just wondering how loud you have your music, I try and keep it at half volume but some songs just need to be turned up! I'm always concerned about damaging my hearing (tinnitus) so I try and keep it low.

How loud do you have your music on average (headphones)?

Not at max, i'd say between half volume and max
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I almost always use that volume and I went to some ears test about 1 year ago the guy said my hearing was perfect.
Oh by the way I listen to Brutal/technical Death Metal and Dubstep/electro apart of many others types of music =)

e: I think you should just not listen to music at very high volume during too much time (1 hour) straight, otherwise it wont affect your hearing.
around half, even lower when I'm around people(sitting in the bus etc). I hate people who listen to music at a very high volume while they're taking the bus or something like that. That can easily piss me off.
Put higher your volume so that you can't hear their music :D
Nah I don't want to be a jerk myself :<
Yes, it's funny sometimes when they're listening to some shitty music! :D
yeah that's true. It gets annoying really fast :P
ye i'd get annoyed too if I heard "million voices" by someone sitting next to me

ouch ownd
les choses se passent à fond mon petit négrito
c'est ça qu'il arrive quand t'es un gangster & gentleman, connexion arabe
Loud enough to shut out the world :))
low at home, outside mid so I can hear the music and not bus/cars etc
How many sheets of toilet paper do you need when you take an average dump?
depends on the turd (stickiness, remaining turd in the asshole or if u think u just wiped ur ass clean, but suddenly out of nowhere there comes another wave of turds to be cleaned)
Right now 50% on youtube, lowest possible in windows xD
I've always felt like my hearing was pretty bad but still fucking sensitive. I quite easily get tinnitus-like sounds and pulsating eardrums.
it's like a fucking moving earthquake when my car rolls through your neighborhood
this porn I listen on mute

Full dB - ( Noise&Noise - Prehistoric Civilization
so how exactly are u saying like 50% volume. Theres volume for headset, volume for windows, volume for music player so umm yea

headset max windows 40% youtube 50%
Windows 75%
Headset 50%
Spotify 40%

When I listen music on my phone it is usually marked 9 or 10 out of 15, and that is not loud at all imo. Should think about getting an ipod or something again anyway, since soundquali on my phone doesn´t do my house of marley earphones justice :)
aimp/youtube, headphones max, laptop 75% (it has fuckin loud speakers and in headphones unlistenable)
so loud i cant hear ppl on the bus
desktop 50%
vlc 25%
youtube 100%
loud enough that my windows from my car vibrates ;) bass ftw
Depends which headphones I use, where I use them and if it's amped or not. Usually with my clip+ the volume is around -12, goes up to around -6 with my IEM (still pretty new). But usually a ground sound through my HD25's and sounds perfect when it's not too high.
loud enough so i can't hear your mum in bed
Depends of music. Sometimes to the max (headsets, never put speakers on max because i don't want other people to hear my music).

When driving, well, loud enough so i don't hear any other car / my car / anything :D Till i arrive at university, so i put it lower because i need to open the window to open the park space :DDDDDDD
You can't make a comparison based on the volume levels ppl use in windows/vlc/youtube etc etc. Like panda said, it's majorly dependant on the hardware you use -_-
i have almost always at II and 1/2 out of VIII and around 50% windows(51-53
depends what I'm doing, most of the time I sit at the PC I have foobar or pandora running, for the background noises... while playing games, reading shit or just chatting around on TS I usually keep them rather low at about 20% ish, playing with music can be very relaxing though you tend to not hear footsteps every now and then, prepared to be yelled at, when actively listening I try to blow my eardrums out very so often.
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