simplest math journal ever

So you uber geniouses here at CF will laugh at this, but I'm learning myself the basics of math for a future study. I've got this calculation I can't seem to crack, so help would be appreciated.

I'm trying to do the following calculation (the answer is also there). I have no idea how to come to the answer.

image: calculation

Now I need to know how to get from the initial calculation to the 6root6. It's pretty important for me to solve this, thanks in advance!
enter it in your calculater
√3 = 3^(1/2)

so it becomes (2^3 * 3^(3/2))/(2^(3/2))

which is 14.69
Hello and thanks for your reply! It's not about the answer though, I have to know how to simplify the equation from it's original state to 6 root 6.
how about see below on my answer
ok so this is not an equation...

Start by writing out the power to what is actually there, so to [yourthing]*[yourthing]*[yourthing] then start working away the divisions and simplify the resulting root..
i did solve it and the answer stands correct
now the explanation

(all)²=(4*3)/2 = 6
6.(all) = 12.((sqrt(3).sqrt(2))).sqrt(2) / sqrt(2) = 6.(sqrt(3).sqrt(2))
final - apply exponent law( multiply base give same exponent- exponent = 1/2 for sqrt() )
Thanks a ton!!!
post hot girls for thanking
its like cf basic etiquete
well if you got (all)²=6 then (all)=sqrt6 or -sqrt6 but (all)³ isnt negative so (all)=sqrt6
dat photo on your profile of the cock tower in warsaw, pretty

about maths, he said he needed explanation step by step
and no, i did not think of that, its clever that way
(2^(1-.5)*3^.5)^3 b/c a^n*a^m=a^n+m





= 6*rad(6)

=[(2^1/2)*(3^1/2)]^6 ,because a^n*a*m= a^n+m so 2^1*2^-1/2=2^1/2
=(6^1/2)^3 , because a^m*b^m= (ab)^m
= 6*6^1/2

or just
a= (2*sqrt3)/sqrt2 = (sqrt4*sqrt3)/sqrt2 = sqrt12/sqrt2 = sqrt 6
a^3 = sqrt6*sqrt6*sqrt6= 6*sqrt6
wouldn't have thought of that second way, interesting
2 can be written as sqrt4. sqrt4 * sqrt3 is the same as sqrt12.
and ((sqrt12)/(sqrt2))^3 is indeed 6 sqrt6
if you can't even solve this... give up
in my mind a simple math task is 2+3.

would take a good ten years for me to crack this one :D
elämäm koulu 5/5
Crossfire - A mathematics community
hmmm, we learned this sh1t in the first year of highschool, forgot all about it though, its been like 7 years
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