Lord of rings online anyone ??

Anyone playing / still playing Lotro on Snowbourne server ? I'f got my guard lvl 85 and other alts on that server and new region is out :) , if someone is playing or wanna try this game PMME i can help with lvl-ing, gold etc...
I played it for awhile, but switched to swtor because in lotro f2p was extremly frustrating.
f2p is till lvl 32 after u have to buy new expansions and regions , but u can also get free TP with deeds , after lvl32 u have to pay for it but if u go vip for 3months u can get to lvl 75 or 85 easy.
I think I played till 45/50 orso. It had some really fun gameplay and rp aspects, but in the end you had to pay a lot to actually get to play the expansions or areas. In swtor I payed 20euros and got expansion+30days subscription. Not to mention it's very playable f2p because you get full access to all quests and areas. I liked lotro, I just feel it has one of the worst f2p models, so I was never inclined to actually pay.
tba f2p is nothing special not that good , it ment to show you how game runs and stuffs so that u would buy it ... but if u have VIP account thats 20-25euros for 3months u get everything full deeds and quests + 500TP each month , but u have to buy new expansions RoR ( but the regions are free ), well u have to pay if u want to enjoy this game thats for sure , or u can also buy TP points and buy regions that u want or expansions and u dont need to be vip.
i tried it out.. but it was boring tbh
start is kind a borring, but if u play with someone its much better
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