GoT S03E08

with only two episodes left, its going to be intense even for picky portugueses >:D

shoutouts to Finland Metsuri because "everyone needs a finnish guy in shoutouts!!"

promo of the next:

image: 2v0bfw9
oh you :DDDDDDD <3

Might watch it later tonight, if i get some free time!
This season has been kinda good so far, can't wait to see more dragon's action.
yeah its kinda best show atm to follow, i think. recommend you to do so asap. dragons are indeed great, but its not the my favourite plot, i mean everything is exciting and stuff but i don't like the idea of dragons being in any way devoted to humans, stuff like mentioned in history riding on em etc. by definition they should be more like essence of fear and terror, pride and mystical creatures - and they kinda are, but could've been more. perhaps it is as it is just for now, i have no idea how will it evolve in the future.
dwarf OP :D
Watched yday the 7th part, didn't really have time to do it before, it's getting quite interesting, too bad it's finish soon.
Massive cliffhanger incoming...
think this was the "worst" episode for this season. worst as in 8/10 instead of 10/10 :D
(.)v(.) (.)v(.) (.)v(.) (.)v(.) (.)v(.) (.)v(.) (.)v(.) (.)v(.) of 10
stupid Robb gonna die
besides daenerys boobies crappy episode.
in the last book you discover he didnt die

really? how about cate?
ahhh rob die, and not only he dies..its fucking horribly, with the cut of his head and replace it with his wolf's head. cate do survive, brik give her the kiss of life and save her, and she become the grey lady and lead his band of thiefs
And who are you, the proud lord said,
that I must bow so low?
Only a cat of a different coat,
that's all the truth I know.
In a coat of gold or a coat of red,
a lion still has claws,
And mine are long and sharp, my lord,
as long and sharp as yours.
And so he spoke, and so he spoke,
that lord of Castamere,
But now the rains weep o'er his hall,
with no one there to hear.
Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall,
and not a soul to hear.
If only I knew who this thing that I really like continues.
Oh wait, im not a moron so i simply read the books rather than watch this pile of junk.
ever considered that visualization is goed? especially in association with author and enough budget? its not like you watch it for story details, when you've already read the books.
i dont watch it at all because it falls so short.
sure its better than nothing if you are an illiterate but still fucking bad.
apart form all the obvious problems with turning books into movies/series and its inherent limitations let me tell you this: the budget is nowhere near big enough to allow for the "visualization" (was that the word u used?) that the book allows for.
a talented author > a series
yeah that was the word i used and nowadays it doesn't open new window for reply, so not like you couldn't check couple of lines above.

again depends how do you look at it, if you're huge fan who would cut for slightest difference then yea, but if you think about this show as addition to books (more like photo album than actual fresh content) then its alright i guess. + the people who make it are better with after effects each season so maybe budget won't be crucial in the future :'D

the problem is your attitude. i read couple of titles before film adaptations, because of film adaptations or after film adaptations. also, i read couple of ones with no chances of turning into anything else. last option doesn't make me happy, because all i want is to plunge into depths of my favorite realities. as long as i can feel vibe i don't mind how much 'pages' are missing from it.
it makes the characters go fucking flat and dull.
sanza stark is an important figure and some really fucked up shit is gonna happen to hear.
you only get to know a tiny bit of her story in the series, the part with wanting to go to highgarden, all the events in kings landing and her plotting to get away with the knight/fool she saved isnt even mentioned at all.
i dont know about your imagination but the i dont think the scenes in the series are that much prettier than what i imagined things to be.
i cant see a single upside to it frankly
liked the books, but love the series

though it is worth mentioning that these are the only novel books I've read from beginning to end during the last 10 years or so
Are the books already finished?
no but martin told major plots to producers in case he die or w/e. so in the worst case even book lovers would have to watch last seasons, if they wanted to know how does everything end (superficially).
worst argument _EVER_.
he told the plot to the producers so that they can follow the timeline. the books dont do that.
i was told that theon greyjoy beind held hostage by bolton's bastard is in season 3 where as its only being revealed in the 2nd half of the 5th book.
actually he told the plot because they tend to do some crap different than in books (where is Edric Storm?) so he told them who will be da king after all that crap so they don't kill the character :XD
5 books published so far, 6th being written atm and 7th should follow after that
You are one of the very few people who read the books and still think the series is garbage. Most people love both. I'm not sure if you really don't like the series out of intellectual snobbery and the need to distinguish yourself from those who didn't read the books or if you actually don't like the series. If you really dislike something about the series, fine. But most people would argue that they come very close to the atmosphere of the books and are very well done in their own right. Sure it's not a perfect 'conversion' of the books, but no one wants that because THAT would be falling short of the books. However, if you dislike them because of the first reason I uttered, that's the sign of a person who refuses to see his own shortcomings and would rather look down on others in an attempt to legitimize his self-percieved intellect.

This might be an extreme deduction and long winded response, but most of this comment was inspired by these arrogant and abrasive words :

"Oh wait, im not a moron so i simply read the books rather than watch this pile of junk."
"sure its better than nothing if you are an illiterate but still fucking bad."
I believe that if you enjoy something enough to post a journal after each and every episode you might just want to enjoy the original/how its supposed to be.
People who say the series is anywhere close didnt read the books.
If they did, they did not understand them.
Many people get scared off by the prospect of reading 5x1000+ pages cause they have the attention span of a TV episode. Fair enough but going around pretending you got the same deal is simply being ignorant.
I dont go out and tell code S players that I know starcraft2 cause i played a shitty flashgame once.
I dont go out and pretend im a decent moba palyer when Ive only played LoL.
Call me an intellectual snob but that is my honest oppinion.
If you like something and you feel like sharing, get it fucking right.
I've read more books than I could even care to count. A lot of them were fantasy, including A Song of Ice and Fire (I bought the English version and the Dutch version was gifted to me). I love the series, especially the first season. I do agree that we all would be better off if people read more and educate themselves for once, but I fail to see how this affects the quality of the series?

The only way I could place your comment is if you either haven't seen the series or you were replying to someone who told you that the series are better than the books (I don't see that comment tough?). Because I could understand that. It's the same when the Lord of the Rings movies came out. I was a bit sceptic at first, but after seeing them I loved them and didn't feel the need to compare them to the books. I myself won't compare them , it's a completly different medium and they deserved different standards. In the end I'm just happy to see that more people are starting to understand the value of a good story and that some are even persuaded to read the actual books.
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