experiencing lag during game

Been lagging in ET for the last couple of months, never used to lag before. It's only lagging in ET, no other game. I've tried to solve it by doing the following:

  • Deleting PB folder
  • Downgrading my CFG
  • Resetting my router
  • Updating my drivers

Here's a picture of what it looks like:
image: xp0r9z

So basically, I get a green and yellow lagspike every 3 seconds. It doesn't matter whether I am moving, standing still, facing enemies or if I'm alone on the server.

Does anyone here know how I can solve it?
that lag happens only in NBS
Had this a while ago but it was more like every other second, I was told to delete my PB folder and it worked :)
but that didn't spike @ lagometre right? could be something totally different, especially that afaik yellow spikes are serverside =d

@wra1th but indeed delete the pb folder in your ET directory, may solve it.
ye definitely worth a try
Quotebut that didn't spike @ lagometre right?
No idea, I never use the lagometer, it did fix my problem though by deleting the pb folder :)
enlight me please

deleting pb folder will delete pnkbstrA+pnkbstrB so they dont start, even with tzac ?
nothing to do with the pb lags have any effect when tzac is on
what to do to play on pb servers+tzac then?
install ET twice ?
open ET without TZAC. :D
but then u cant play, because you erased pb folder
solution=don't play on pb servers.
ur problem is u have lags in et, check ur connection
Nothing changed with my connection from last time (before the lags started) though, and I don't have lags in any other games
have u checkd ur connection when the lag happens?
Shouldn't really be a problem as I don't have any lags during other games
if u check ur connection when the lag occurs, u can easily dismiss the connection problem or contact ur isp.
Check different servers for spikes, normally it can happen that some servers are lagging sometimes, regardless of ur pc/connection.

U can test using default cfg to see if there's any cvar related issues, otherwise, if spikes re happening on all servers, it might be ur provider having some issues, in that case, call to their help center and explain ur problem.
I had some weird lag problem couple years ago , had to restart ET around 2-10 times before its ok.
Reinstalled windows and problem is gone.
lol :D best comment 2013 :DDDD
Cheats off
cl_packetdup 1
com_watchdog 0

Try that out.
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