PB and ET-Legacy

Does any one knows if PB MD5 tool considers ET-Legacy or other ET open source variations as corrupted executables?
did i really just read that? why would it matter....
because there are a tone of servers that still use PB
playing with pb is the same as playing without
playing with tzac is the same as without, PB can't actually be cracked in the way tzac has been cracked.
true, but pb is outdated for a long time. Before tzac irc wars were without pb
mainly because of the lag and bad impact pb had on the gameplay rather than anything else, we didn't abandon punkbuster because it was "outdated", the support for ET was bad however and the fact that we had to suffer pb-lag spikes for months at a time without evenbalance issuing an update, is what made us quit using it all together.
hah I remember snoop saying he could deal with hackers but not pb lags :D
this is true :P
which is actually true
and how can tzac be more cracked than PB which was completely cracked?
chaplja created several backdoors in tzac so he could sell cheats, these are now in the open and are actively being used.
oh cool, wanna refer me to one of these backdoors?
dont know if its related by pb was bypassed, not cracked, dont rly know how it work but every time pb had an update, it detected some cheats, maybe cracked mean it wont be detected for the whole time d:
sorry kartez, but no :p PB was thoroughly cracked, not just bypassed
cracked mean u could use a broken/edited version of pb no?

im not rly into these hack & shit but i doubt cracked is the right therm
means they tore it apart.. yeah at one point you could buy a PB blocker from nC that would effectively render PB useless and making you able to run any cheat and do what the fuck you wanted with the game :p
ye that was called pb proof / bypass pb

dont think we can talk about crack with pb tho

i know what cheats can do, some options were quite nice even if its cheats (talking about how it was bypassed )
no it wasn't just bypassing (meaning using methods PB didn't detect), it was actively hacking PB to disable all its detection methods -- there's a big difference :p
so pb wasnt cracked

right xd

ps: ya bypass pb / pb proof, same sheit
no for gods sake, what im saying is that it WAS cracked, I said they were ACTIVELY HACKING PB.. :p
Try it out?
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