HAHAHAHA wtf Spain

Seriously Spain, get your shit together. Your country is already dying from debt then you go and do this?

USA #1

Panik, Panik in Real.
well in Poland we bought riverboats that are too big to swim in any river...
If we fill a journal with all the dumb shit the USA does, CF would probably crash due to overactivity.
european union will never be a country or a states union, get that in your head, i will in advance kill you and all german fuckfaces for destroing cultural and identity of beatifull countries
You're a fucking idiot. the EU isnt actually ranked in the list, hence the - instead of a number. Its merely in there to show the huge difference between the USA and all the other countries.
it would be even less if it wasn't for them fucking Brits :D
Its just one collective failure, not just the brits. Im just enjoying this portuguese kid being mad as fuck cause they're poor and nobody wants to save them. They're to Europe what Canada is the North America.
ye, we're poor and nobody wants to save us :< so sad to live here
:-D I wish I had the wealth of the average Canadian, with exception of brandon...and I didnt mean Canada was poor and nobody wants to save them, but more as in insignificant :-D
:P ye i was just teasing you, well at least we dont mind anybody and no one really cares about us
:D umad bro?
World isn't a fair place. After the bullshit German did in the past, it should be the other way around. It's a shame to let such a nice country like Portugal destroy itself. There is potential.

Knock knock.
i have heared portugal sold its water reservoir to private hands in some regions as a balancing for the credits - now the water price rise over 2000% in this region - some people have to pay 20% of their income only for water - now they want greece to sell their water reservoir aswell - now i gave you the target what it is all about
No clue to be honest. I am not exactly the most knowing person about this stuff. But yeah, the public water system has been explored by a "private company" for long time, and the water price depends per city.
But at the other side, it's pretty common, outside big cities, people have their own water resource: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_PIB8Ddj3BVw/SEi4884MHdI/AAAAAAAAAEQ/FBakqBe36OA/s400/sea+pocos+(4).jpg
Thats what i use at my house. I only need to pay for the energie to extract the water ^^
yeah i heared about it but in the region the water was sold to the private company the people cant use their own water pump anymore - its forbidden per law
No clue tbh.. at my city we have both options tbh :o
If Portugal wasn't in Europe it would certainly be considered a 3rd world country.
USA will be one of the last country that will suffer because of their own huge debt :P
paying debt with debt, i hope everyone that doesnt own a piece of land with potatoes and letuces dies

mainly the guys that "manage" money, they can eat the money surely i dont mind
edible money, new form of money after digital one :P
anyway everyone would probably want to eat dollars ;)
what they MAKE UP in order to have an excuse to activate the "bailout" on spain
Typical American attitude. Please just mind your own business, brown nose faggot.
no, typical American doesnt know that theres such a country like Spain ;D
I bought a boat myself, but actually it wasn't a boat, it was pasta.
scope back from the dead
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