notebook help
22 May 2013, 19:05
will this
laptop run et, rtcw, ql at 125fps? (using external monitor)
thanks in advance
EDIT: will adding 4gb ram help?
additional info: the price is 499€
if anybody can provide better alternatives at this price please share
will this
laptop run et, rtcw, ql at 125fps? (using external monitor)
thanks in advance
EDIT: will adding 4gb ram help?
additional info: the price is 499€
if anybody can provide better alternatives at this price please share
If that is the amount of money you can spend on a laptop, please spend it wisely. That laptop pretty much sucks.
Sony Vaio laptops are very overpriced.
Clicking the link, I think that for that setup I would spend maybe 300 euros, probably a lot less.
Alternative: It's in greek, but you get the idea. You should find something similar for your country if you keep digging. Took me about 1 minute.
Edit: many people tell me that nowadays laptops bought in Germany via big electronic stores are ridiculously cheap, if someone can confirm.
build your own laptop
dont need to buy computers for another 10years
-it already fell of a bus and not a scratch, aluminum chassis (not on purpose nor being careless i was pissed for a couple of weeks)
-upgrade RAM from 2GB to 4GB, open+clean once every 2years and apply new thermal paste to gfx+cpu
edit: dell xps notebooks look pretty nice & are pretty pricy, but do they have the same image as apple does hmm
And about vaio, bought my laptop 600 euros a year ago, with quite decent specs, maybe it sounds overpriced for you, but if it's to get acer or hp craps then it's no use going for the cheap all the time.
Rather think about investing higher but for a good return on investment / armotisation.
and it can exist imo. You just need the marketing skills of apple :D and the price shouldn't be low but around a few 100 euro's under apple their macbooks.
the smaller the more expensive
Well it could exist, but i can only say GL to the guy who's gonna try to compete with Apple at the same quality ^^