heading off to Berlin

i've never been to Germany Berlin, and I'm setting off to this city now.

I have some stuff to do in Berlin with my brother but I guess we will have some free time, so what would you advise me to see there? except the obvious things that I can check in the Internet :P

cheers and have a nice day!
1) na aleksanderplatz wieczorem full mlodziezy browary i cos mocniejszego :) mega mozna sie bawic ;) carlsberg elephant!
2) oczywiscie stadion herty !
Enjoy gas chambers
Museum at checkpoint charlie is good and http://berliner-unterwelten.de/
always easy to find nice places to eat etc. Maybe Germany schnee can give you more info/tour!
don't know if u're keen on history, but Berlin has a huge past as u know and tbh I enjoyed taking time to visit the city and every historic parts (wall,reichtag, dom, brandebourg gate...)!

Went there with school a few years ago.

I particularly enjoyed our visit to the Stasi museum and the old Soviet buildings in east Berlin.

Im going back this summer but not for sightseeing.
na rammsteina to nawet bym pojechała ;p , jednakże mimo ich ,, robiących wrażenie '' koncertów, teledyski i tak wygrywają wszystko <3( i może nie chciałabym dostać mlekiem (?) z gumowo - mechanicznego penisa pod sceną , tak więc uważaj gdzie stoisz :DDD
jade na 2gi dzien, na 30stm ((:
Beach bars !
Berlin Neukölln
Go to McDonalds I heard is good restaurant and cheap even for polish!
pls dont come :<

QuoteI have some stuff to do in Berlin with my brother

I understand... u come here to steal some cars and gona sell it in poland, seems legit
there will be public viewing broadcasting the CL final in front of the brandenburger tor. it will be HUGE
echt? übertragn die echt das cl finale aufa meile?
hab letztes wochenende gehört ja, dann wieder nein, man ist sich wohl nich ganz sicher!
wetter soll au scheiße werden^^
ich hatte danach aber wieder gelesen, dass es nun feststeht
i hope something crashes and you're in the middle of it, lol rolled?
inb4 forfeit

nie polecam picia w plenerze, mega duzo brudasow, turkow i niemieckiego dresiarstwa/punkodziwactwa/kwiatu mlodiezy, a puby nie są takie drogie i wlasciwie wszystkie w niezlej cenie jak na EU i mozna spokojnie pochillowac i pogadac.
jesli chodzi o kluby to juz najlepiej spytac jakiegos zaufanego miejscowego gdzie isc. Bo ladnie wygladajacy klub moze okazac sie dziupla cpunow, technojaskinia pelna laserow, czy czyms takim.
The torture museum, almost as great as the one in Vienna
find butchji and send kisses to him

thx to all, was fun
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