Morning Journal

Hello crossfire

How are you all doing on this fine day?

What are you wasting your time on today?

I got exams coming up in 1 week, so I'm just image: recht-voor-organisaties-r-westra-9789001814199-voorkant at the moment. Passed my first exam yesterday already with 80% score. Doing good.

What are your plans for this summer holiday?

I am going to work 3-4 days a week to get some money. I am also going to visit Turkey Turkey. Of course next to that also some regular gaming with the boys. Anyone going to attend the LAN in Hungary Hungary? Hopefully Sean will organize another Adroits W:ET LAN next year.

I have also just bought a new mobile phone. I was tired of the HTC touchscreen model. So I got a random phone with touchscreen, android, wifi and qwerty-keyboard.

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQSP0vSeogTTJlVVaY7wsEZ2BZUXMAdv1lo9NcJCJRGOr3mp15U9w

Have a good day

Here is some ET pr0n I made with Slovenia m1tja and Finland LORDI. (yes I was using sungi's nickname, shoutout Finland sungi)

in portuguese we say


reads as "ó-bri-gá-du"
vai tomar no cu filho da puta
dito com sotaque brasileiro é foleiro, seu mariconço
vc esta bravo?
bravo é diferente de zangado ou chateado, em ingles 'mad'
bravo é para referir animais ou plantas em estado selvagem
não, não estou
Work now, off soon, going to hunt myself an air-condition-device-machine-lifesaver. Prolly this one,

Hard work during summer, got some time off later, maybe at august if I want to. Just casual drinking, that's about it.
yo Tim

Chillen op stage jwz
Waar loop je stage en wat doe je
WebGiants, websites maken jwz

Hossel de hossel pipa osso fattoe
Spent some time in garage with car. Chilling on ts with Finland friends
Plans for summer? Fishing, chilling, ET..Maybe Midsummerparty with Iceland POLARBEERs. Nothing decided yet.
ETclip I made couple days ago
just got home from work now im studying till 19cet because my exams starts next week, then i gona hit the gym and then some latenight games with my Sweden/Netherlands buddies

plans for summer? hmm 2 weeks croatia, 1 week surf travel in france and 1 week sweden and the other 6weeks i will just chill till my uni start again for the 2nd last time :)))
Reading books like a nerd, work hard no play all summer. I mean, YOLO right?
Just got back from my first exam. I'm holy fucking shitty crap exhausted.
At the moment I'm going to do some jogging and spurts, got a competition on Thursday. Reading for this semester's final exam and going to hit some golfball in the range as I don't have greencard yet.
Starting my Summer holidays on Saturday.
Just going to do some athletics during the whole Summer and winning some championchips as usual.
nice vid
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