Inet disconnects every few minutes.


I got this weird problem since a week or two. My internet disconnects every 5-10 minutes, I get the yellow triangle next to my connection icon. I am using a router, I tried to reset it, plugged out all the cables and plugged them in again. Left the router out and only modem and pc 1 by 1, but the problem still stands.
Tried flushing DNS, didnt help.
tried on other pc too, nothing

I already called the ISP and they said they are looking after the problem, but if it's not the ISP you might help me.

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Maybe try an ethernet bridge or try to update your drivers. I don't think the ethernet bridge would do you much good, since it's equal to a cable. Updating the drivers might do the trick. Also if you are using a laptop, take a look at the power usuage. Put everything that has something to do with your connection on full.
I don't think the drivers would do anything, eversince I tried it on another PC and when the router is on, all the connected PCs have the problem.
Anyways I will give it a try.
Corrupt modem/router?
+1 Change your modem and try again. If it dosen't help then it's ISP sided issue
Idd, im really thinking the same, if hes saying that he tried to work things out without router i actually think router might not be the problem, but modem it self might have some error. He should probably call the ISP and advise them to change the modem, at least for testing purpose.
They can test it from office. and if it's modem wich is fucked up then he can go to store and pick up new one and use it.
modem or synchronisation failure. Internet speed?
its 5mb/1mb and when I actually got connection the speed is fine.
Well doesnt matter, if synchronisation is establishing every 5 min is bad (mine weas like 1-5 min). Its central/modem problem. I had same but It was because of neighbours garage remote control doors. But I think its that if there is no problem from ISP. But also wan light needs to start lighting up I think.
if i walk into a store and buy an exactly same modem i got right now, that should do the job? I mean if the modem is the problem I can replace it like that?
Or I got to wait until my ISP delivers me a new one?
I am really not into things like this
No point spending money for modem, u should be able to get a free one as it probably includes the payment to ur ISP on monthly basis.
Yeah I know, but money is no question here. Just wondering..
If the ISP service is decent, u should be able to get someone at ur home in a matter of 1-2 day at least.
One more thing, i noticed that it gets better in the late evening.
i don't get disconnects after 23:00, even if I get thats only 1-2 times / hour
if it was the modem, it shouldnt be like this. or am i wrong?
Could be as well some ISP side related issue then if the problem isn't happening all the time, but sometimes it just appears random regardless of time. Still i suggest u to start solving it from changing the modem and then see how things go.
I would not risk anything with buying modem since you cannot be sure that realy is modem until you test it. If you have friend or anyone to lend you for 1 h (I think he will survive), test it. But with making mad (troll) phone call ISP should come next day. Atleast thats how you get them faster.
One more thing, i noticed that it gets better in the late evening.
i don't get disconnects after 23:00, even if I get thats only 1-2 times / hour
well timings are not the same all the time, I was also able to play et 2 hours in peace. Dunno about your country internet infrastructure but I do not think that it has to do something with usage of other users or is your neighbourhood realy to busy? If central is outdated and recently 1 got internet in your neighbourhood I would blame that, but only if you live in vilage and not city. If so central can be overloaded and ISP knows that or servicer which shouldn't even connect that client. I have heard about that kind of issues not far away from here since central was outdated and they didnt build other so near to some people, so they had to use older one, but also they were informed about outages and that they might get disconnected if this happens to others often. Also problems should be noticed to neighbours also not only to you.

You are using router only, or router which is connected to ISP modem? If so try first only with ISP modem. else nothing
Broken modem. Insist on a replacement to save time.
might be a broken router aswell
youre like the guy with 8646873867464 problems.
life is hard in east europe
router or modem can be broken. i had the same problem when my router was making "ssssssss" noise and after 2 months it started randomly disconnecting every 5-10 mins.
Might be that the cable of yours is "broken/old" as well and therefore isnt working properly (causing random disconnects)
That was the problem for my random disconnects before x)
Im speaking from my own experience as well :D
had the same problem modem was faulty
t-online adsl? i had the same problem. It was something about bad syncronisation. U need to pay attention to line attenuation, snr upstream and downstream margins etc. just google for them, and u can check these vaules in your modem/router menu. But so i called the ISP guys again and again, they did some measurings, then changed my modem, changed cables, then the disconnect stuff was solved, but it still wasnt perfect because when i used 3-4 programs that uses internet (for example TS, skype, ET, and some web browser) it was still shit. I realized then, for some reason it was the DNS server that is not responding in time, so i changed the DNS server also to this free google DNS server. Since then everything is working fine.
what you described is not ISPs fault

its routers or computers
Try connecting your phone cable from the router to the test socket in the phone and have nothing else connected to see if it is OK then?
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