Competition Map's discussion, part 251458

I vote yes to bring back battery and oasis. And put some Karsiah aswell! Naice maps, some of the reasons people get bored playing this game is becase every time you play, people pick always the same maps (sd/gr).. My favourite maps aswell but we need to change a little our routine!

thats like the 100th journal about maps. at this state of the game, people wont stop playing sd/gr. lets just accept that et is close to death. now we can only sit back and enjoy the last great games which are dominated by rockit
"ERROR" you wrong, if you make it competitive again, if you get Offline tournaments, you will see everybody getting back as you saw this season lol but, as usually people get bored too fast or because of the maps "always the same" or because cups takes ages to end and start another, because theres no more 1day cups on Sunday afternoon so people can get warmed to offis at night.. If we did half of this things you would have 50% more people playing actively.
10 years later this journal keeps on popping up lol, when I forced these maps the same ppl will tell you to change the mappool back, it's a cycle.
Never had really anything to do with the maps themselves, or a lack thereof, but much rather about the fact that clanbase has always, for no apparent reason what-so-ever, limited the mappool to 6 maps, forcing the same 4 maps onto people, year after year after year
there actually used to be 10 maps in OC, just saying
The main reason was that more than 6 maps would be a pain to have to make tactics for every one of them in EC

and the other reason was that 80% of the EC players like Night and co would tell you "X map is shit, Y map is shit, don't put them in, they're shit"
not this shit again
When I said these journals come up on cf again and again a faggot told me I was wrong... I see
Its sad to say but I finally admitted this game is dead when you need 2 hours to play a fucking game
Noobs play same maps 24/7 and when you wanna play some cool maps they emoquit or kick you from teh server coz they totally suck lol
ET is dead so why you still cant add maps like oasis , fueldump and other oldschooooll maps to ladder
we already did it but as said Francis, none want to play on it. so we remove it :) again and again and again.
what is the harm of having more official maps on there? :) to be honest i play this game 2 - 3 times a week and i go offi and the maps played are supply / grush and radar as 3rd. If u guys put oasis and other maps in as official clanbase maps people would start pracing them and playing again imo. Ofc many will whine but who cares they are whining now cuz of maplist so there is no harm at all to put more old/new maps in :)
history has proven that forcing new maps results in a massive shitstorm of little crybabies.
Idd and normally the ones who were whining for changing it at first place would be the ones to start whining first when maps would change.
let them cry then.. they are prolly crying now anyways. More maps = good thing.
no, we did it and the none pick any one of those map, even on ladder
i rly cant understand that xD more maps makes the game just more enjoyable for me atleast :) i cant speak for everyone but i honestly think maps like dubrovnik, oasis , library are really good and deserve to be on the list even if noone picks them :)
me to i cant i can understand why ppl are always whining about maps, and when we add the requested maps by " everyone " none play on it, just tell me why ?
You can say whatever you want it's the same things since 10 years and it will be the same till the end of ET.
Remember an old OC, where we add the competition version of Oasis on the list, and for more than 45% opponent refuse to playt, or they camp on spawn during all the game trying to get a draw to play a decider. ill get you the link you will see. Sad but true.
Personally i like Oasis - battery - dubrovnik or Library ( really good map btw ) but for this one, we add it on the ladder and it was played 3 or 4 times in a year
yeh that is really sad.. i am just saying things from my point of view, i even remember playing Oasis and dubrovnik in NC many years ago and i really enjoyed it. If i was in charge of CB i would give it a go but maybe i would crash and burn. but as i see it this game has not to many years left so i would do everything in my power to make it more enjoyable. I have noticed since i rly like Supply and Grush because i feel comfortable in those maps many people whine when i am playing 3on3 about nooo man why r we allways playing the same maps and we have been playing maps like Base witch are sadly not played to often. :)
i know and i understand your point of view, really
So rather than telling people hat maps they can play, add a new rule that allows them to pick a map that is not in the map pool. If both teams agree you can play it, if not, pick a map pool map. Should allow for some fun time.
i'd rather like snow maps than desert ones :P. So Stalingrad(but balanced) instead of oasis!
+ reactor, braundorf, et_ice
They pick the same maps cus they simply want to play those maps, if they would want to play oasis/ any other map they would have voted it instead of supply/grush, regardless if its in map pool or not.
and that vote would result in not passing. thats just how it works.

im one of those guys that tries to vote a map outside of the cb pool every once in a while, do i get to play it? no.
I know, reason journals like that are useless, even when u play some random mix and u want to vote some unusual map u firstly get that vote denied and then flamed afterwards, same when ppl vote erden or some other unusual 3on3 / 6on6 map. If ppl would so desperately want new maps, they would have played it instead of supply/ grush all the time and show interest for changing mappool.
+b4 & karsiah in 6o6

ppl pick sd/grush all the time because you cant lose on them because of a mistake. you need at least 3/2...
saying that, it's easy for a team in good shape to win in 5-8mins on supply and gr. people play sd & gr because they're the most stable maps in the game and everyone has their own comfort zone on these. even if you aren't so active, you won't forget certain areas you play good and stuff.

as opposed to a map like adlernest, where most people don't have "dat spot" where they know they can go and be dominant every single game. i for example always feel pretty comfortable on radar, especially defence, regardless of activity. :) and actually one mistake should never be the reason to lose the entire map. that definitely doesn't tell you which team is better. D: compared to something like a sneak to build crane on supply, or a spawn push on goldrush. definitely tell more about skill than shooting rnades in hallways on braundorf or the super gay camping involved in winning eg. erdenberg. :D
i made a long and full of wisdom reply, but cf lagged or something.

so sup Luke?
whats with the competition frost map which (nearly) got to the cf lan?

crevasse ;) or the one blacky made a year ago ( Library )with some custom cups and a lot of beta gameplay is a good map imo ;) ( e.g. - i know this ettv is on the b2...)
I would pick a map list for a future cup like: supply, sw_gr, radar, karsiah, braundorf, et_ice, battery and adlernest. Sometg like that
braundorf wat?
i would prefer to play for example only radar cup or only karsiah cup etc
i think battery is one of the most broken maps in the game tho old version and sw version.
But yeh playing diff maps is cool
I agree. Battery is the worst map ever made. Dubrovnik would be cool and definitely different.

The thing is, those maps are played so often, everyone knows all the strategies they always use; Who goes, who goes down, when to push in a certain direction, etc.
+1 dubrovnik was najz and i liked library aswell and ofc Oasis!
never understood why it seems to be only low/mid level players that want to play these shit maps over and over again
maps aint shit but I agree with your point of view since everytime I get low+ or something, its always ok for them if we play karsiah or even oasis lol
I agree. They were popular and played maps when they were in the maplist but since removal every league has some kind of sick fetish to have atleast 2 totally lotto maps in the mappool. Not really surpising that they are only picked by total underdogs and in the result 3 maps get totally overplayed. Even competitions are not really exciting because its not about who's the best clan anymore but just who can play sd/gr best.
How so? You can pick and win your own map, lose sd/gr, eliminate the remaining one and win the decider if you feel those maps are the issue..?
those good maps are not an issue, its an issue that you can only play those maps. its fucking dull
Seems most teams/players just like playing on auto-pilot. They know the spawn times, they know the approximate time from spawn to certain areas of each map and they also know their team roles on each phase (e.g. chry first phase axis on goldrush, places landmines in the exact same spots every time) leaving the need for only basic comms and shorthand names for enemy locations on the map.

Throw in new maps and the collective apathy towards learning them and you get the current level of resistance.

No wonder the few remaining players here can't accept new fps titles (new titles being bad aside). They just don't like change and probably never will.
I agree that ClanBase could expand the mappool they offer. Wouldn't do any harm to anybody.
Missile_b3 the best 6on6 map!
Force new maps.
That's only way to let people play new maps, which actually works.

Look at Missile_bx*. '
I remember when it was added to the CB-mappool list for OC. Everyone was playing that map on unofficial games. Just to practice it. Nowadays no-one' wants to play it anymore.
One-day-cup (or timbolina) adds it to its mappool, and you see teams like Rockit and Wise play it.
Just force it.

and fuck Oasis and Battery.

* 'x' represents 3 or 4
We could forget battery but OASIS? Its a great map, you need to attack and deffend as good as possible, theres no lucky on that map.
The last time someone forced any kind of unusual maps, let it be Robaciek with his 1day cups, or CB for some OC or something, they got massively flamed for that, so no point doing that, when most of ppl will cry as soon as they don't get to play their precious supply/grush.
Well, if admins don't force anything. I don't see anything happening soon to any map list.
If it is like you said, then most people don't even want to play new maps. Ergo no point is asking for new maps, if majority is against it, and admins don't want to force anything, except dates/times.
That's the entire point to show that journals like this are useless, simply for the fact, ppl are whining now that there's no new maps in the list, but when someone would add couple different maps, no one would play, if u force them, everyone will flame u, never ending story. The problem is not with CB not adding any new maps, but with majority of ppl flaming those new maps when they would be forced to play.
Forgot that Missile existed aswell! Great map to add to maplist! New map list :P
supply, sw_gr, missile, Karsiah, adlernest, Oasis, Radar, et_ice, Adlernest! I think CB admins should think about this when (if there is) they make the summercup!
Remove ice add frost and u got decent map list, also i wouldn't exclude bremen out, its pretty fine map for 6on6.
6 "new" maps only should be in 6on6 Clanbase SummerCup maplist.

so for example missile, dubrovnik, karsiah, sw_oasis, and 2 more.
you can have sd and sw_gr on that list, I just think we need to expand the map list (or maybe take out sd or gr) one of them should stay tought
6+ maps is too much. we got 3 matchweeks anyway so 6 maps are needed for group stage. and if we had 10 maps in the maplist, teams wouldn't pick 50% of them in playoffs anyway.
also if we had sd & grush in the mappool, everyone would pick them above these other maps.
Unless a smart team trains on a new map, and picks that one.
That's how it was when Missile was added to CB-mappool-list.
nerds :d


we probably won't be changing the EC/OC maplists, but the ladder maplists will be modified in the near future and the maplists for the upcoming SC season will also be a bit different :)
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