Weather? Plans for the weekend?

Again it's useless and boring journal, but I want to tell you something.
According to weather forecast, it is warmer in the NORTH of Finland than in Portugal! Should we head to the Polar Circle for summer holidays?

Plans for the weekend?

image: 485620_617992691546530_1308103527_n

My plans: 1. launch a boat 2. friend's graduation party 3. Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
serious u got better weather in finland than in germany? dafuq the next 2 weeks only raining here around 12°C gg
Well the temps in PT are pretty much the same as at Finland, at least South of it, it's quite odd with the temps overall during this time of year, as i recon last year it was around 30°C nearly everyday, while here at Slovenia, its been raining for straight 3 weeks already and quite cold tbh.

Overall Earth is going to doom.
raining in France since 1 month now :D
i know that feel :P and there is no end in sight
Getting shitfaced at the park with boombox, then heading to the club :p

Next day going to cure my hangover with icecream bought from ebin chick :p
shit weather here, been raining for few days already :[
i'm gonna study hard, book my holidays and stay under the duvet of my gf cause the weather has been shit for WEEKS !
pretty hot here, around 32 C

gonna be working and playing ET!
I'll be snowboarding again saturday, can't wait to feel the snow again i'm so excited :)
winter in africa
31.3ºc in the northest part of Finland today. wtf!
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