So, whats going on here?

How are you nice people? :) Are things all the same still like back in the days?
Is et alive and well?
is this new crossfire shit as active as the previous was?
does banga still suffer from ms? :D

Here's some music for you all, have a nice day without MS :D
good, nope
not really
i think its incurable, so that would be yes
same shit, different day
good, no
no, especially as it's mainly for quakelive / quake 3 cpm nowadays
Kalle :)))

58 users online, nowhere near as active x)
Lot's of awesome new albums out or just coming out in the last month or so such as COB, megadeth, sodom, kalmah, amon amarth, summoning, suidakra, burzum (ambient album) and dark tranquility :))))))
"This video contains content from EMI, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds. "

i will work to eradicate google/(or)those who did this retarded separation of people by country
yo MMAma
full of stupid newschool faggots
what marko said
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