HOTS Players

Hey guys,

I noticed relatively quite a lot of people is playing HOTS recently. Searching for some guys to play 2v2 3v3 4v4 from time to time if interested! Already played with Polandupload and Czech RepublicGreenClon

for any players interested, leave me your player tag here :P

Snatix#384 feel free to add
me zerg good
what is hots?!
holy shit thats why i dont know this shit ;D
stop avec ce jeu, ET c'est mieux et y'a plus de joueurs et de compètes! :D
une cup à 10€ tout les 10 ans, ça gère !
1vs1 cup 50 euros mec, tu jouais ta vie contre un polak et ils étaient à toi!
J'aurais pu drop Buffon en bleu avec ça :S
Tu l'aurais vendu anyway
feel free to add me too, I search mostly for practice buddy, I am plat, so I prefer you to be gold atleast aswell :*
what raze do you play
toss. but if I find someone lower league, I would like to start playing other races anyway.
zerg toss = easy race, true skill race = terranius
my average apm when i used to pracc was from 600 to 720, thats more then 6actions per second.
oh look! I CAN CLICKING!
talking bout end game average apm, now i find it more relaxing to play with 10-400
Ye, i believe you 100%

Knowing Demuslim for exemple got an average of 180-200 per games, flash/nestea/life got around 220-240
You totally can get this APMS without clicking like a retard on the same place just to grow your dick watching your APMS

You're seriously brain damaged :)
No, just pointing that you're a retard, even tho it's known since a while now
I pretty much doubt he would get such high APM even with clicking on the same place
impossible since it filters out spam.
erf why did I replied to such a faggot anyway :[ My mistake, wanna play btw?
not now, playing AoE on some faggots stream :p
That's not the real APM but some imaginary number invented by Blizzard. Most KeSPA pros have around 300 APM, at least in BroodWar they had. Since they kept a lot of BW habbits I guess they still have that kind of number eventhough it's not as necessary.
Sup butchji?
Hi, I'm fine how are you, fumble?
Very good thank you on this fine Thursday, good day to you sir!
Imaginary numbers? why would they invent such thing?
I guess you perfectly know how it's working. Of course it isn't really necessary, but i personally find it quite interesting to see how many APM a player can do, it most likely defines his skills
They changed the APM measuring method a thousand times throughout WoL & HotS already. For example they forgot when the game runs on fastest speed (which is used as standard) one real time second and one ingame second isn't the same which results in bad data ofc. SC2 gears or such programs show the real APM.
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