tMoe needs super 6th for tonight!

as topic says, we might need 6th player for tonight's games vs turbots!!

so if someone of our honorablegendary players like ska, WuT, Kirej, FragStealer, Aima etc etc reads this and is avi to play with us, let me know bros!

or if someone else who's a very good player and wants to play with us, let me know !!

we start at 20.00 most likely so be here a bit ealier!

image: game40920

ah and btw unfortunately furman and wiaderko not avi for this tonight , already asked them :{D

y u no mention me ? :(
ska, WuT, Kirej, FragStealer, Aima
to jest to slynne #yolo?
take wiaderko

oh whait ( =
no dobra, avi jestem

what the fuck is wrong with play-off trees on CB site? after small fail in NC now every ladder on CB site shows something different. Can someone finally unify trees in CB cup sites, rules and in rating/roster
image: CByouredrunk
yea I know the correct tree :P but what I wanted to say is that someone should finally fix all the playoffs trees in CB site to show the same things :D

wonder what this tree will show if :h and tmoe or turbot and atoon will win.
oops, fixed :P
awesome beats (song) and nice flow too :D
juz wam pisalem kogo macie pytac ale najwidoczniej EGO za wysokie
albo nie chcą grać z kimś kogo nie znają (+jak ktoś ma zMk na rifli, to po co innej szukać)
pius tez ladnie gra smg -- zmk tez
te, tanczaca chmura, opanuj emocje
QuoteRiskk Sunday, 2nd June 2013 14:46
Jestem avi fanatic jak cos to pm:)
Kapitanie, jestem gotow na powolanie
that video looks sooooooooo fucking cheap and shit :P
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