The Perfect Server - Pub

What would make up the perfect server? If you were designing it, for W:ET obviously, how would you set it up? (ET pro)

20 slots? More or less?? Would you add mods like Klobby did on Nbs with sprees, welcome messages, etc?

What about maps?? Would you use all CB maps so people could practice tactics? Objective, or not? Extended time limits or stock??

I think if I could have a server again, I'd keep it pretty default settings, but add the lua for sprees, just because I Like knowing how close I came to beating the guy in a 1v1. I'd follow the maps that ohurcool listed on the ClanBaseET journal with 100 minute time limit but open voting for for time change.

It seems like pubbers like to have longer map times, as you can see by Nbs, but 999 is not really needed.

Well... I guess that 20 to 22 slots is somehow good for pubbing, and about the mods... The spress are always funny to have, just to be bragging around about how good we are! ;)

The maps should be on rotation and yeah, I'd go for the CB maps in order to get more players, about the objective.. I don't mind playing it but it's always the same shit, no one defending or no one attacking for it.. Pretty boring!

About the time, just make it with the normal times, a longer time always results on spawnrapes (either side), that's why you keep removing panzer on NBS, right ?

But yeah, again, make it with a map rotation!
Yeah, Panzer got removed a long time ago, when Wooo was still around. Xarqi just never put it back. TBH, the spawn rapes a re annoying but if there's gonna be obj or actually effort in practicing techniques, panzer would have to be available.

I just wouldn't want to make another Obj server, like Bio or Nbs 2 and it just sits empty
NBS1 -> pubserver, less nades/explosives, more ammo for smg.
NBS2 -> obj server, normal settings, cb 6o6 maprotation.
NBS3 -> obj server, normal settings, custom maprotation.

That's the way I had it set up when all 3 of them were filled, too bad I don't think that'll happen again.
Put panzer back! ;(

Oh. And landmines too.
Not my problem xD
The good ol' days
Edit: NBS1 -> pubserver, less nades/explosives, more ammo for smg. Delivery 20hrs/day, Supply 4hrs/day
That was the players' choice, not mine.
Yes, I know it's not your fault =D You've done great job here, i appreciate
Bredbandsbolaget ET#1 (Efterlyst) - 16 slots. |u|k public server - 22 slots

Best servers ET ever had.
.u|k* bestest server
So true :)
Kopfnuss > all
yea you need a good config/setup but i think people make a server awsome... guess if you would host a server with efterlyst setup it still would be far away from the old feeling : p
- 24/32 slots
- 6 map campaign (original maps)
- no obj
- default xp upgrades
- no extra bullshit
You think that many slots??
yes, that is my preference

below 20 is definitely not enough for the original maps, if you want to run a server with maps like supply, adlernest and delivery its another story
Yeah, I can't disagree with you there.

I envision a server where people who play Ladders, offi's and EC/NC can come play competition style and maps on pub without the stupidity of other pub servers
as long as it remains a pub, there will be ur so called stupidity.

Players rule the server, not the opposit
Ohoho the good old xp upgrades, easy mortar rape!
+1 for oldschool shit! :D
server with minastirith on it
F/A JM 2 has it .Enjoy
Perfect server would be the same as u|k was:))
No matter what people say here, its all bullshit, perfect server for all et nerds would be like nbs1 but without the possibility to vote any map other than supply or delivery.
image: UmpOi
No kidding. Even if you change to a different map, within 10 minutes, back to Deli or Supply. Hell, I see 3 minutes into Supply and votes for Deli start...... ridiculous
practice tactics on pub hehhehe
Gotta do something while waiting for a war :)
AC_SV_MINAGE 365 - >if not 0, only players with guid age (in days) above set value are allowed to join this server
AC_SV_BANAGE -1 > determines ban period for banned players in months after their account ban expired
-1 -> banned forever
0 - > 12 months
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