GoT S03E09

ror, long time no see. tbh i expected moar but still nice to watch and has its moments :3

shoutouts to Poland fanatic - the most genuine lad i ever met

promo of season finale:

image: 2vuh3yo
What an ending! Roll on next week's episode.
I was just in shock for like 2 minutes after the end... like "did that really happen?!" :D
Same! However I thought the Harry Potter concierge was up to something from the moment they walked in :P
really dissapointed "oh I'm a random guy and Imma just come here and cut her throat, there we go, good night"
That's just what made it all the more cruel. She was basicly already dead inside the moment she realized she had failed every single one of her children, she really did not give a single fuck anymore wether or not they'd just let her "peacefully" drop to the ground or slit her throat. Imo that just made us realize that we can't hang on to characters, they could be cruelly killed off at any point in time.
what a load of bs.
catelyn isnt out of it yet, and wont be for quite some time.
I know that, doesn't make it less true.
but... he really isn't... random, at all. One of the bigger characters.
I win this one.
the end was pretty unexpected and epic at the same time, now that's the definition of backstab damn!
She should have at least tried to throw the dagger at the old dude :D
waiting HugTheSub to tell us all to read books and how the series sucks and ppl who watch the series and do not read books sucks cocks and what not

Other than that, found this season boring but watchable, doesnt really go to my top series anyway but enjoy following, wish they would put out more than 10 episodes / season
Pls read the books, they're like.. so amazing. Like, omgawd.

No, but really, I've read the books, I'm actively following the series... Both absolutely fantastic, and given that a lot of things are rewritten for the series, you still get to speculate on minor(or are they) things here and there.
George R.R. Martin's writing style is phenomenal, best fantasy books I've ever read. His choice of words to describe things along with his lively imagination is unequalled!
lol, go read Tolkien and come back
tolkien was great idd, when i was twelve D:
guess you didnt understand much from his books
i understood enough to find it low shit from '40s or whenever :(
any fantasy is low shit, as its made for our entertainment
Expected comment. I've read Tolkien more than once and I still prefer Martin. Problem?
lol, go read Tolkien and come back.

guy invented modern fantasy, any other writer is just a poor copy cat
Subjectiveness and bullshit: you are full of it. There is no wrong or right here, please shut up.
wait wait, did you just imply i made up "guy invented modern fantasy"?

in that case, dont read tolkien, go read some books about literature
Calling other writers 'poor copycats' simply for writing in the same genre as Tolkien is bullshit. I've read every book around the Lord of the Rings Saga several times and I still think Martin is a better writer.

There is no wrong or right in this matter, I was stating my opinion, as were you. That does not mean I am right or wrong, same goes for you. You are simply too subjective and ignorant, sorry to say.
I'm sure the books are amazing, no doubt, but i never have been into books and thats why i cba to read em, i take random tv-show over those books anyday basicly, thats just how i am (i've read like 5 books in my lifetime )
well, dunno about the books but TV version of GoT sucks donkey balls and is utterly boring show.

if it wasnt HBO production, with shitload of marketing, noone would watch it
i like cola.
i dont drink cola light.
WHAT THE FUCK!??!?!??!?!?
Starks are a goner
Plenty enough starks left to reproduce and conquer all of westeros!
Some absolute cockmuncher spoiled the future plot for me i.e.something something something.
And you've pretty much just given away way too much to everyone else reading your comment. :P
What, she gets buried. Big fuckin deal.

edit: no idea what you're talking about mate.
No, thansk you.
The north will never forget :D
Best comment in this journal.
first episode which was not utter shit, im surprised
rofl i didn't read because CF is so much spoiler but everyone is telling the same ! I can't wait tomorrow to watch it with friends around beer and burger/pizza :D
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