Game of Thrones: Red Wedding Reactions Compilation

Honestly, I can't believe people are still posting about this shit.
what is game of thrones? and why is it so popular and why are you supporting this hype?
anyone got a link of the episode? I don't think I ever watched it but I want to see why they're reacting like this.
thats the purpose of this pr-video :D
Delicious showfag tears.
Isn't the book almost ten years old?
17 years old*
iirc red wedding=storm of swords aka 2000 :D
pêche mel' bush

then i threw the book and didnt look at it for a week
then i was rly sad and pissed :(

now im even more pissed, why couldnt they do it JUST LIKE THE FUCKING BOOK

the killing should have started right after the song, and rob's wolf killed lots of ppl and even the hound

the fuck guys srsly, THE FUCK
im pretty sure the hound gets wounded by his brother's men in a tavern and begs arya to finish him off which she refuses to do.
that happen after the wedding
sure did. but that still means that the wolf didnt kill the hound
olol i re-read what i wrote

i mean, even the hound killed alot of ppl :~D
Cry me a river

I actually dont mind that they got killed. The mother was boring and robb hardly did anything interesting this season. #teamlannister
tbh i myself, love the lannisters more, but only the father.

rest are jerks :oD
Teambolton will not take kindly upon your blasphemy.
Poor wolf :(
if you really enjoy it, why wouldnt you?
edited for the butthurt likes of you.
You being annoying has nothing to do with being butthurt whatsoever. If you hate that people are watching the series, stop replying to the journals. We get it, you read the books, you love them, some people didn't bother to read them, get over it.
i replied to 2 game of thrones journals so far reffering to the books. this being one of them.
If this had such a profound impact on you im pretty sure i hit a sore spot.
if you have the attention span of a tv episode and you dont mind not being properly informed about things you like you dont have to be so butthurt.
now put your FB and twitter account to the side for a second and pick up a book like people did in the olden days.
Going from "liked that bit? here i gave you a link to learn more about it" to "you hate us because we are 14yo illiterates" sure suggests u are pretty damn mad.
Quotenow put your FB and twitter account to the side for a second and pick up a book like people did in the olden days.

Oh you got me... brb wiping my tears with my literature degree... the poor illiterate that I am.


Not everybody enjoys fantasy books, dear. And by the way, if you have to brag about reading... that doesn't make you look like a genius either. :))
Oh I am sorry. I assumed that in order for us to be on leveled ground I would just not read any of the drivel you wrote before talking about it, funny how that works innit?
Now that I did tho let me point out the curical mistake that you make.
If you are talking about a subject and there is people that know more about it, they will let me know all day, every day. That is what the internet is for.
And while the attitude "some people didn't bother to read them, get over it" might be valid when working in a tanning salon or a nailstudio you sure dont have the right to tell people that did take the time not to look down on you.
See you right here, next week, after the next king died and you are all like "OMFGBBQ M8s did ya'll see dat?"
Dear, you don't just let people know about it, you lecture people. There's a big difference. One is to actually get people into the subject and the other one is to just feel better about yourself. And as we could see from previous comments, you sure feel so much better about yourself now that you can tell people how inferior they are in your eyes.

I did read what you said and I proved you wrong. I'm not who you assumed I was (and that you assume everybody is) and now you have to even try harder to make yourself look smart. Don't mind my "dribble" EDIT MUCH, obviously nobody can be the genius that you are.

Quotepeople that did take the time not to look down on you.

You will never get an award for picking up a fantasy novel. Never. Sorry.
Looking down on people for not reading a book? Oh you... :D

Winning an award? You do realize that every point you try and make is reductio ad absurdum?
And yes I am looking down on people who talk about things that they are not well informed about, even if that is fantasy novels, sue me.
I think the problem is that it's a stupid thing to look down on someone for, especially in such a condescending manner.

Personally, I simply don't enjoy reading particularly as I spend most of my time writing articles and proofreading so it just feels too close to work. No need to be a douche about it. The problem with this sight is the attitude problems everyone seems to have, no one seems to behave like an adult.

That especially goes for posting spoilers that you know are going to wind people up. It's an incredibly immature way to go about things, although I'd imagine you know that already.
Spot on!

But what else do expect from a grade A twat?
Snape kills Dumbledore.
Best reply in the thread.
i dont rly care why you read books or you dont.
i personally have to work with quite a bit of text every day and i dont mind at all.
dont know what i spoilered either but hey i guess 90% of posts about GoT on the internet just assume that someone just spoilered something.
as to your only valid point: if someone thinks im annoying for not being satisfied with only scratching the surface i will look down on them. you can think about that whatever you like, feel free to disagree.
lol you made me log in to this stupid site just to say how pathetic you are, you obviously know people dont want to know how the book/ movies/ series end, its like that with every single thing, not with only this series, you really are a lonely nerd who wants credit for reading a book
you are aware that i didnt spoiler the end of anything and that even if i wanted to i couldnt... there is still 2 more books to come.
or maybe i didnt get you right cause frankly i cant quite understand what you are so mad about.
not mad at all, just stating ur faggotness
Quotenow put your FB and twitter account to the side for a second and pick up a book like people did in the olden days.

There are significant spoilers in this PDF
not after watching the episode it aint.
People might learn from it tho that Robbs wife and son are actually not dead and that Lord Bolton did not plot the killing (he is not the guy in chain) but is merely an opportunist who changes camp the moment robb's cause is lost.
Congratulations for becoming the first person I've witnessed attempting to spoil GoT from a book reader perspective online. Usually fans of fictional works wish that other people can enjoy them too, but apparently not all fantasy fiction nerds are above that kind of pettiness.
To be fair, he is correct. The book snippet doesn't spoil anything at all, what-so-ever, if you've watched the recent Game Of Thrones episode, which we're assuming everyone did as it's... the topic of this journal.

I'm usually very cautious around people that haven't read the books, not trying to get overly excited over their false or sweet predictions of what could possibly come next, but when certain questions are asked, even a simple denying to answer can reveal too much. Best to just keep out of said journals all-together. :(

On that note however, I thought his journal post to be.. rather nice. You watched the episode, you're discussing one of the bigger events that occurred last episode, for those interested, why not read that particular part from the book, as he has so kindly provided? If you're not much of a reader... just.. don't? I really don't see the issue here. Granted, there are many, many things that differ between the series and book, for reasons to make the show more comprehensible and less of a clusterfuck of events, which is all fine and dandy, either way, what was shared above, of Robb's Wife and Bolton are entirely irrelevant to whatever is going to happen next in the show, as, this did not happen in the books. GRRM is brilliant like that, at parts the show completely changes the story around, whether if that's to make it more appealing for.. certain characters or other reason, I don't know, but it still makes the majority of book readers question as to whats going to happen.

The best part is that everyone's being an asshole about calling Hug an asshole.
Well... He's a cunt.
i love how cF never fails to make all the retards suck eachother off, it never fails to entertain.
if you dont care enough to actually spend time on something dont go around talking about it.
when someone picks you up on doing that dont get super butthurt.
simple rly
read the fucking excerpt before getting all whiney. its one of the most important scenes of the series in text (after it has appeard in that shitty little series you and your silly bros cheer about in the pub) someone less mentally incapacitated might have enjoyed it but i guess you couldnt wait to proof me right, could you?
You can't call someone else mentally incapacitated after writing that mess you call an argument. You're like the little bitch that brags about being the first to hear a band like it's some kind of badge of honour.

Perhaps when you grow up and mature you'll learn to live and let live without being an utter cunt about it. You seem to be a genuinely unlikeable person from what I've read and that's a real shame.
what van said. idiot.
oof. that hurt me deeply.
but i accept and appreciate your invaluable input.
not even smart enough to post anything but "+1", are we?
well, I added the 'idiot'.
worst tv show ever! The book is much better!
image: tumblr_lsl99r6Koc1qf9eejo1_1280

You know nothing of pain, sweet summer child.
What happen?

butchji dead ?
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