arctic combaaaat

So again journal about this game with some questions

Is there any scene?
is there any main irc channel?
is there any match search irc channels?
is there any cups lans etc?
scene-no ,or at least not yet, dont know if there will ever be since the players arent that much of a challenge and some cheaters just got to the top now
irc channel-no
match search irc channel-no

im willing to make a comeback if we create a CROSSFIRE arctic combat team
only esl cups or?
esl cups and tons of other organized by other leagues and sometimes by webzen
and even by myR+ country championship

that is how it used to be months ago
at the moment , all i heard is that everybody is training for country championship

and , regarding ladders i havent seen any activity but in 1on1
Well, webzen dropped support to myR, so as far as i know myR stoped running cups. Still waiting on my prices for winning that shit, and its like 2 month ago. Atm there might be only esl running cups. But esl is doing quite ok. Spring cup, weekly friday cup and nations cup starting soon.
btw...maybe avi for crossfire AC team, as i dont know whats going on with my current team, wasnt online for ages

u sux
irc is dead
AC ist most popular amongst people who cant afford 60€ CoD + 4x15€ DLC each year.
So yeah, its actually surprisingly active for some random korean fps.
What blizzi said... I found no IRC channel or anything, these guys organise wars ingame via pm's, etc... but there are some nice cups, this Friday aswell. The game itself isn't too difficult. I like TDM, but compared to ET it is much easier, except if you meet a nerd with überpimped gun, then he has advantage...

I think cups are in Search & Destroy, played it only once. Not bad, but felt slow.. maybe with good company it could be fun, hf
mate, just roll S&D \
that is just a lot better than TDM and the skill level is slightly better than tdm
you have to get used to the spots in the maps :P

roll S&D pubs , you will get used to it
fuck their weapons, they dont know how to shoot nor have proper internet

bust'em out
Well IRC not really needed. You just join the clanserver, join a room, and play them. or you're playing esl versus. And ye, cups are played in S&D. Dunno what roundtime limit you've played. In random clanwars/cups the roundlimit is set to 2 minutes, so the attacking team doesnt have ages to just camp around. But still not really fast paced game. But still fun if you play in a decent team vs. a decent team. Unfortunately most teams you'll meet are low as fuck. Atleast in april when i was active there were only 3 teams that were able to beat us, dunno how it is now
paroxysme aka ewave
and vination for fuck sake

after that all the polish cunts started rolling the game and create thousands of teams :S
None of the teams you mentioned is playing anymore :D
eaaazy was inactive before, made a comeback at the first myR cup and got rolled (Cuz ati_ cannot into using hecate! :D) Have'nt seen anyone of them since that. Ewave and Vination players playing for other teams now.
i know , i even saw ati's moment on livestream :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
i was talking about few months ago :D za early days ( dunno why but i thought you were talking about april 2012 :D~ wasnt even playing then :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD)

yep , too bad they lost against dem polaks . they were not much of a challenge for any of the competitors. but eaaazy played with Dark , he was playing very nervously and aggresive and patienceless and needless to say that vokus didnt play either :S+ they didnt know the map
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