
wudup folks
i am currently in ljubljana and i am wondering if there are any places to go shopping;
heard everything here is very expensive :S

recommend me some stores and their location !

u heard wrong mate.. Dunno how it is compared to romania (if u live there) but @ least for me when i stayed there i lived like a king cuz everything was so cheap for me haha :) but i hope Immoo, m1ke or Aniky will help u out :) hf
you always live like a king. A true viking king
yup u know it ;)
yep , i do live in romania
didnt see aniky online today :(

the slovenian guys are all awesome :)) enjoy your time in Slovenia :)
Hei... i recommend you to find a big center called BTC where is also City Park and Emporium (a bit expensive tho)... there you can find whatever you want for shopping.. or if you are right in the center of town.. there are shops like Zara Beneton and other fashion stores.

checked Zara yesterday, the store is very nice and big , but there were not many products different from Romania
Benneton, regarding men it was horrifying, 5 meters of man store and i didnt like anything

luckly i ran over H&M and got myself some nice T-Shirts :D

yes,i live in the city center ,might go check BTC and some watch shops today
cheers for the infos m8 !
live? or just for a few dayz?
live for few days .
i left today and headed towards Plitvice Lakes in Croatia :)
Sorry i didn't answer u on IRC, but was out all day, hopefully u found some good stuffs :)

if you are a poor polak, then every other nation is expensive for you, but if you live like me in germany then all eastern countries are cheap
beef is more expensive in hungary than uk, smthg is wrong
Really? Usually everything is more expensive here and i hate that
McDonalds counts :D but that's weird for me I thought we were known as expensive nation
McDonalds is just an example. and im sure there are many others I couldve taken.


Britain is expensive, yes. But by far NOT the most expensive one taking into account standard of living + exchange rates. Norway is no.1
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