
how many of you guys have tried lsd and other drugs like lsd

what was ur trip like

very curious bout this shit
I have tried LCD and LED and im not going back anymore!
wat happened man
i wanna no
did mushroom once but it was more of a "experimental" trip instead of just taking them to feel high as fuck, was nice but not gonna do it again (or not soon), i wanna keep in mind the good trip i had

it was nice but 1 of my friend was badtripping so it was not fun towards the end
what did u do in ur trip
when the trip began, we just walked outside in parks and stuff (my friend said its better when youre outside) just talking about whatever, i know it doesnt sound that much fun but everything you look at is just so weird and fascinating, then we went back to his home, listen some music (felt like i could see the sound lol) and that was pretty much it
sounds neat
i no wat u mean that u rly cant describe it
how come u wouldnt do it again?
well it was nice so i just wanna keep a good memory of it, it depens in what state of mind you are, i dont want to have a bad trip cause u just feel shit and its seems endless, once, just doing pot, i thought i had ants walking over me all the time, not the greatest feeling lol, i probably will do it again but i dont feel like it now
good shit
so its not addictive
No it's not
it kinda is and kinda isnt, if you do it too frequently your brain might reproduce the hallogenic substance that can cause eternal mushroom trip, not even kidding<
yea been warned about this :P
so, you guys like your brain being carried away and forget about yourselves and just live by luck during the high time ?

you dnnno what is good for you if you want to feel strange,crazy and like you are in a coma :]
"live by luck", you actually control what you're doing, you're not just laying on the ground and spazzing
you can get smashed pretty badly since you wont be able to control yourself and have your reaction time,reflexes etc.

even in a safe environment it could be dangerous :S
only dangerous if you take too much, now that's your decision at that point
i did it 2 years ago in the fall for my first time. walked outside at like 3am and the trees looked like they were holograms, like shiny and shit, with a ting of gold. was straight fucked up. but was dope as fuck.
Never tried, actually want to try some mushrooms, nothing more tho
i wanna try lsd, nothing more tho :P
You might wanna try salvia
Essaye les champignons de Paris, parait qu'il y en a dans les catacombes.
lol bunch of hippies on this website
Effects are different from person to person, but stuff like LSD and shrooms can go from mild "philosophical" trips to full blown hallucinations (I'd suggest shrooms from a biological standpoint, but don't underestimate how potent some types can be). My only suggestion to anyone considering trying hallucinogens is to do it in a controlled, quiet environment with experienced people and possibly supervision (as in have one sober person to look out for the rest), especially if it's your first time. Also, don't do a full dose the first time around as the effects can last up to a few hours (and that seems like a REALLY long time if you're not comfortable with the sensation). Last but not least, when you're not fully confident about trying shrooms/LSD or otherwise emotionally stable - don't do it.
yeah man i wanna do it in a hotel room
ill have a good friend of mine watching

have you tried it yourself?
I've done shrooms like seven or eight times and I've been fairly happy with the experiences (two big trips and some mild trips where you just talk bullshit). Then again I've also seen people have a bad trip and cry for three hours, so there's that. :XD
what was your favorite trip like?
It's incredibly hard to describe, but my favourite one was on one of the biggest Dutch parties of the year (Queen's Night) on a crowded city square (in theory the worst place in the world to do shrooms) where I kinda stumbled around like the guy from Fear & Loathing, but then without the crocodile tail.
fuck dat fear & loathing :D
like all other drugs it will strengthen (edit: strengthen as in intensify exiisting emotions) the quality of your current emotional state.
don't take it if you're going through a depression or similar, you're gonna have a really bad time.
other than that, try to buy from a 'trustworthy' source, you never know what potentially seriously harmful crap ppl will mix in just to make money.
pm razz
image: wHdlq-2012-06-04_02.00.37_642x400
yeah fuck that shit
snus worse than them all
he looks like a skinny islamist
He's tough, man!!!!
changed perspective in life etc
if u wanna try lsd take 1 blotter only for 1st time, if shrooms then 2,5g or 3g
doesn't know about drugs, better ask imaginary friends on internet. what a fucking pussy.
u fuckin idiot
how else should i learn about it
real friends? or google? ffs was that a real question?
Parent is actually a good site
Don't let kardon pick on you. He directs all his drug questions toward me anyway. Low- at best.
wrong. I don't ever ask anything. You just continuously talk forever about everything because you love to hear yourself.
Lies...... When you coming back?
12 days. Can you make it till then honey?
Be a man, take some DMT
This movie is not available in your country.

youtube is declaring war on freedom, shit HAS GOT TO GET SERIOUS
bcaa creatine whey casein glutamin arginin

heavy drugs man, made me pump like shit
Allah won't be pleased.
Drugs are overrated, party hard sober.
you just inspired me to do some drugs, great site!
Friend did LSD ended up thinking he was orange and started to peel himself with a knife
Nice friends letting him :))
took weed, lsd, shrooms, couple of beers and jack daniel in one night which caused me to get a huge badtrip and a small trauma which caused me to not sleep for couple of days and had bad vision so had to go to hospital and shit goes on :P but yea don't do much anymore no braincells anymore :( :D
you're still a faggot tho.
i love u too
wtf when did u do that?
tu ten rappel quand jetais pas là durant 2 semaines pi là je suis revenu pi jai dit jetais dans une place speciale et bien voila :D
Aaaaah hahahhahaha idiot xD
I didn't know that you can make bombs with lsd and acid, damn you paki!
you're pretty pathetic tbh, lol rolled? yes, i think so
Mushrooms & E, best things ever. If you have a chance, go for them. Salvia is wicked too.
cocaine is one hell of a drug.
Fuck that chemicals,mother earth is the only way. <3
Stay in school kids
ask torm, he a junkie
Only logged in and viewed this journal because it was created by the 'great' one himself, ipod.
noone metioned 4-homet, wtf
i did mushrooms too, especially "trüfel" called atlantis in NL. I ate them together with a good friend in a hotel room. when it began everithing was wired and sparkling :D
after some minutes the waves came and i was laughing out loud as i never did before. while smoking some weed outside it was hard for me not to laught because the people might could see me - it was so wired and fun.
then back laying in the bed i was watching the normaly simple white top of the room was covered in nice red and blue districts and the huge city picture at the wall seemed as it could be a window :D
after hours the waves stoped and i we watched a movie, the next day i felt a bit busy.
thats all, nice fun but not to everyone and 18+
i did lsd couple of times, once i tried real "hoffman", i mean those :

it was great great experience, everything was clear and understandable, i felt like i know everything and i understand the meaning of life, not a single thing was a problem:P i saw how painters are creating their ideas, i saw dozens of colours exploding everywhere, there are no words to describe it. when i was listening to the music, my head created video for it immediately:P
it lasted about 15 hours, after that i was completely exhausted but happy.
i only recommend it to intelligent people cause they can fully use it, if u're dumb u wont get it.
find some peacefull and calm place, wait for a good weather, take some friends and dont drink alcohol.
and take it on ur own risk, its really strong mental experience. hf
I had salvia once.. didn't like it. I got pulled away in a trip and couldn't control it myself, i really don't like that. It was like some guy pulled me away from reality, and i couldn't stop it >D. Never gonna do salvia again.

Brownies were awesome: had an amazing 'trip'..... Everything feels so different... 1 tree kept me busy for 50 mins...
Didnt ever bother with drugs - they are only used to enable the weak minded to feel what us king wizards do all day, every day.
dont listen to all these faggots , dont do drugs they bad for ya
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