HG ET evening!

Starting today, schedule your sunday evening free, because we will be hosting our HG ET evenings every sunday!
What is it all about? Well, having fun together whilst playing ET :D

No skill required, all we ask for is proper english and a headset. We prefer nice fun teamplaying guys over ego's though :p ( we already have shnz/gizmo for that ;D )

If you are interested in just hanging out, grabbing some wars(3's/6's/ even vs eachother) or with enough people doing a fun baserace match, check us out:


Or add me on Xfire: tiropag
IRC will come soon :)
Keep up te good work! Fun guys to play with
and against right :D?
haha, playing against you guys is also fun! :P
stop with the advertisement, do it properly
anders houd jij gewoon ff je bek dicht, reclame maken hoort er eenmaal bij!
Opvallend dat zijn comment zo slecht geschreven is dat ik niet eens weet wat hij nou eigenlijk bedoelt. Dit is waarom ik ook tegen posten op CF was, slimheid is niet te vinden op CF.
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